Nuclear/Biological/Chemical (NBC) Attack
Likely targets of a Nuclear/Biological/Chemical (NBC) terrorist attack are enclosed, densely populated areas.
NBC attacks may be apparent or completely indistinguishable. Therefore, consistent observation of one’s surroundings is critical.
Attacks could involve the University directly or the entire community. Direction will be provided by emergency personnel (e.g., Police/Sheriff, Fire Department, FBI, FEMA, etc.).
Evacuation orders will be contingent upon the amount, type, and degree of hazard present. Be prepared to assess the situation. Depending on the circumstances and the nature of the attack, emergency response authorities will provide information as to the need to evacuate or shelter in place (stay indoors) during an NBC attack.
University Police, the media, Emergency Alert System, and other listed communication methods will communicate this information throughout campus. Monitor reports and follow directions.
If emergency personnel are not able to provide information on what is happening and what you should do, use your knowledge to determine whether to evacuate or shelter indoors.
Use available information to assess the situation. If you see large amounts of debris in the air, or the air is obviously badly contaminated, you may not be able to safety step outside thus requiring the need to shelter indoors. On the other hand, if the strike is miles away and the threat is not immediate you may need to evacuate upwind, away for the attack.