Natural Gas Leak​

If a natural gas leak is suspected or detected, follow the response instructions below:


  1. Stop all operations, turn off gas valves, open doors and windows, if able as you exit the building.

  2. Immediately evacuate area.

  3. Be certain to PREVENT IGNITION SOURCES by not operating any electrical equipment, switches, lights, heaters, hot water, telephones, heat ventilation air conditioning systems (HVAC), outlets, lighters, matches, etc. during a hazardous gas leak.

  4. Do not use elevators unless authorized.

  5. From a safe location away from the leak, REPORT INCIDENT to Facility Services and University Police.

    If they are unavailable, contact Wisconsin Public Service at 1-800-450-7280.

    • Provide your name
    • Exact location of the leak (room, floor, etc.)
    • Other applicable information

    DO NOT reenter building until all clear is given by emergency response personnel.


University Police and Security Services 715-346-3456

Facility Services

Wisconsin Public Service