Red Folder Project

Helping faculty and staff respond with care and concern is a critical factor in supporting our students and a healthy campus community.

Recognizing concerns, responding appropriately and in a timely manner, and referring students to resources all help support a healthy campus community. Your assistance in referring students is key!


Complete a Student of Concern referral for students you are working with, se we an be aware and assist. 

You can tell us! The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) permits communication with others who have a legitimate education interest about student issues and concerns.

Request a Red Folder Presentation

We would love to visit with you and your staff about our office, the types of life circumstances and behaviors to share with our office, and to share resources for supporting our students.

Request a Red Folder

The Red Folder Project aims to put process and resource information into the hands of those who can be immediately helpful to a student in need: you, our faculty and staff. Request yours today!


To see what is included, click image or link below.

​​UW-Stevens Point Red Folder

Professional Develo​pment for Faculty and Staff
Want to learn more about how to have a meaningful conversation with a student in distress? How to support a student who is a Veteran? We can help! 

Care and support of our student depends on you reaching out to the student directly and your sharing of information with the Office of the Dean of Students. We can help you as well as coordinate response and resources for the student.