Psychological Indicators
- Self-disclosure of personal distress such as family problems, financial difficulties, comtemplating suicide, grief, or a recent hospitalization.
- Unusual or disproportional emotional response to events.
- Excessive tearfulness, panic reactions.
- Irritability or unusual apathy.
- Impacted by traumatic events.
- Verbal abuse (e.g., tauntin, badgering, intimidation).
- Expressions of concern about the student by his or her peers.
Safety Risk Indicators
- Unprovoded anger or hostility.
- Physical violence of any kind (shoving, grabbing, assault, presence of a weapon).
- Implying or making a direct threat to harm self or others.
- Stalking behavior or harassment.
- Academic assignments dominated by themes of extreme hopelessness, rage, worthlessness, isolation, despair, acting out, suicidal ideation, violent behaviors.
- Communicating implied or direct threats via email, correspondence, texting, or phone calls.
If concerned about your safety or the safety of others, immediately contact 911 or University Police at 715-346-3456.