The Show Must Go Online!
May 26-June 12 OR June 15-July 2, 2020
"The Show Must Go Online” is a musical written to be rehearsed and performed remotely! Each actor will receive a 1-2 minute scene/song to rehearse, video record, and upload. When all the videos are played in order, they tell the hilarious story of a group of passionate students desperate to keep their annual musical alive…online!
This three-week camp is comprised of a minimum of two virtual class sessions per week. One large-group session will focus on basics of acting, drama games, etc. Small-group sessions will focus on enhancing the actors’ performances, show details, etc.

Registration Fee: $35 per person
Only 20 spots available per camp! Register today! | Scholarships are available. For more information, please email Rebecca.bauer@uwsp.edu!