3. Release Form
4. Paper Registration Form *Email rbauer@uwsp.edu for paper forms. |
STEAM Point Day for Girls
Fees: $40 Student $20 Chaperone
Teaching aides: Some children require a teaching aide in order to attend the event. Please contact us if a teaching aide is required.
Chaperones: One chaperone may attend, free of charge, for every 10 students in attendance with their school. This free spot is only available under the condition that the chaperone agrees to attend all three assigned sessions and assist in classroom management. For more information please contact Rebecca Bauer rbauer@uwsp.edu.
Registration Deadline: Jan. 18, 2023 |
Payment for each attending person and Release Forms for each attending student are due by Jan. 18, 2023
Contact Customer Service at 715-346-3838 to request an invoice prior to the event.
We accept the following credit cards: MasterCard, Visa, and Discover. Make checks payable to UW-Stevens Point and mail to Continuing Education, Room 032 Main Building, 2100 Main St. Stevens Point, WI 54481.
Please DO NOT allow students to register themselves using their school email accounts:
- Register each student online under the student/parent/chaperone account and select "I am registering for someone else" to enter the student's information.
- The Registration Selection Form allows you to enter each student's lunch, t-shirt size, and workshop selections.
- Register each chaperone online.
- Payment and Release forms are due exactly one week prior to the event. Refer to the "Registration Information" section above for specific dates.
Note to Teachers and Parents: If you register your child to attend and send them with their school group, please notify the school that your child is registered and will attend with the school. Also discuss if payment was made directly to us or if payment will be made to the school. The school will not know your child is registered unless you notify them.
For School Groups
Select ONE email address for your entire school group, preferably the attending chaperone. The person whose email is associated with a school group (or individual student) will receive ALL the correspondence related to the program such as the registration confirmation, payment information, and workshop placement emails.
Please do not have students register themselves using student email accounts because the attending chaperone will not receive the registration confirmation for these individuals.
You may register online many times. Use the same school name and email address for each person associated with your group each time you register. Each time you register completely through the payment screen, you create a new "order" and every order has a separate confirmation and order number. When it is time for your invoice (should you need a copy), we are able to view all your orders to create one complete invoice.
Register online quickly. The program will time out in approximately 30 minutes. If you have a lot of students, register them in batches using the same school name and email address. Each new group registered will be on multiple orders but still under your school name.
You can only make changes to registrations on the summary page where you see an "edit" button. If you went to the payment area, you missed the opportunity to make changes. At this point, you can no longer make changes to your order. If you think you made a mistake, just contact us at 715-346-3838. We will take care of it for you!
Confirmation Email #1:
Your first email confirms registration to the program, payment due, and allows you to see the information selected for each person. You may contact us with changes at this point. If you did not register students all at one time, you will have multiple confirmation emails with a few people on each email. PLEASE REVIEW CONFIRMATION LETTERS FOR ACCURACY.
Workshop Placement Email #2:
This is sent to the email address associated with the attending person (typically to the school chaperone or parent) on the Friday prior to the event. The email contains the three workshops the student will attend and contains additional program details.