Registration Services
Let UW-Stevens Point Continuing Education manage your conference registration process. Our professionals have vast experience in the conference registration process for groups any size.
UW-Stevens Point Continuing Education will assess a per-registrant fee for these. This amount would include all the services outlined above, including customer service number for registrants, credit card processing, invoicing and limited on-site registration service.
For a per person fee, UW-Stevens Point Continuing Education can:
Receive and process registration forms and fee
- Receive registrations via customer service number, web (credit cards only), mail & fax
- Develop conference specific web page to serve as front door for information and on-line credit card registration
- Enter participant information in to registration system including multiple registration fees, participant information and demographics, workshop choices, and special needs
- Mail a customized confirmation letter to registrant including payment status and workshop session choices
- Process credit card payments, deposit checks, and invoice purchase order registrations
- Provide periodic registration lists and revenue reports to your organization
- Prepare customized name badges for your participants
- Optional: Conduct on-site registration for pre-registered and walk-in attendees
Post-conference reports and revenue distribution
- Post-conference reports and revenue distribution
- Provide final participant list
- Provide final income summary
- Process final revenue distribution to organization less amount due to Continuing Education and Outreach for registration services (after all registration revenue is received)
As part of our service agreement, we ask that your organization do the following:
- Include UW-Stevens Point Continuing Education logo, mailing address, customer service number, web address and fax number on registration form.
- Provide information on registration procedure, approve content of confirmation letter, and provide other pertinent information necessary to support registration process.
- Understand that UW-Stevens Point Continuing Education will not suffer financial loss due to low enrollments or cancellation of the program.