Spring is a time of transformation and nothing embodies that more than the butterfly, but we are also transforming and going through changes all the time. It is important to honor and celebrate that change. Through this artistic journey, we will focus on the change we wish to manifest and use the power of art to create a beacon to guide us on our own metamorphosis. We will transform a wood butterfly base into a beautiful decorative element using beads, baubles, and jewels along with with Apoxie Sculpt. Each kit will be personalized to the creator including a handmade word created by artist Erin Prais-Hintz that will be the focal.
Kit includes materials to get you started on one butterfly mosaic: butterfly base, Apoxie Sculpt, hanging hardware, assorted beads and pieces, handmade word of your choice, mica powder (optional) plus anything else from your own stash to add.