University Staff Council (USC) ​

Co-Chairs, 2023-2024: Tammy Larson,, and Lori Yonash,​Please check here for committee membership. (Committee memberships are listed by acronym at the bottom of this Excel Workbook. Requires a logon.)

University Staff Representative to Systemwide Shared Governance: Tammy Larson​

Scope and Authority: The University Staff Council has the authority to recommend to the Common Council policies pertaining to members of the university staff personnel category.  It shall consult with and advise the chancellor on all policies and procedures adopted by the university regarding university staff personnel rules. In addition, the council has the authority to work with and make recommendations to any academic staff, faculty, university staff, or administrative committee or agency that is concerned with university staff welfare.

Common Council university staff councilors diversification rules can be changed by University Staff Council, pending approval by the university staff members of Common Council.


  • University Staff Awards & Programming Subcommittee, Chair, Deanna Deising
    The University Staff Awards & Programming Subcommittee has the authority to select university staff recipients for university staff awards and to recommend changes to process, forms, etc.
  • University Staff Grievance Subcommittee
    The University Staff Grievance Subcommittee has the authority to be the grievance review committee to conduct hearings for university staff contesting layoff or disciplinary action.
  • University Staff Salary Subcommittee
    The University Staff Salary Subcommittee has the authority to review all policies related to the distribution of salary of university staff.  It has the authority to make recommendations, propose revisions or new plans to Common Council and administration for university staff salary distribution.