​Welcome to the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and Common Council! 

The faculty and staff on campus are dedicated to the success of our students and institution through policies strengthed by university-wide inclusion. We hope you will consider serving on governance because we want your voice to be heard.  

Shared governance has traditionally played a strong role on the UW-Stevens Point campus. Shared governance gives faculty and academic staff administrative responsibility over academic activities, and all university personnel (academic staff, faculty, and university staff) play an important role in recommending policies to the administration in many other areas. 

Common Council is the representative body of academic staff, faculty, and university staff in UW-Stevens Point shared governance. The Chancellor has demonstrated a commitment to strong shared governance, the success of which depends upon the administration's openness to listening to and consulting with university personnel, as well as upon the university personnel's willingness to participate in this important responsibility.

The Constitution of the Common Council specifies the Common Council as the primary governance representative body. All members of the university may attend and speak at meetings of the Common Council, but only members of the Common Council may offer motions, second motions, or vote. 

Within the Common Council structure, each personnel category has a representative standing committee council: 
• academic staff: Academic Staff Council 
• faculty: Faculty Council 
• university staff: University Staff Council

Please consider how you might participate in shared governance, whether by serving on a committee, by running for the Common Council, or by sharing your perspective at a governance meeting. Reviewing the Committees and Councils menu will give you some information about the nature and purpose of each committee. 

Shared governance committees, councils, and subcommittees are filled through election or by appointment (as specified in the Constitution of the Common Council). Nominations and Elections for governance seats are announced in the spring and terms start in the fall. 

The time commitment will vary with each committee. The general schedule of committee meetings will give you an idea when meetings are held. 

If you would like more information or would like to discuss governance in general, please contact the Common Council Chair or Common Council Secretary Common.Council.Office@uwsp.edu.