Scholarships and Awards
The GIS center and the Department of Geography and Geology have
established awards to recognize students' achievements and excellence.
Awards (cash and certificate) are presented to students at the
departments annual spring banquet.
GIS Center Proficiency Award
Granted to a student graduating
from the GIS Certificate Program who has demonstrated exceptional
proficiency in applying geographic information systems.
Academic Honors Award
Granted to graduating geography major who has earned the highest grade point average in departmental courses at UWSP.
Specht Cartography Award
Presented to a Student submitting
the most outstanding cartographic project or limited map portfolio, as
determined by a faculty panel.
Gamma Theta Upsilon Award for Excellence in Geography
Presented by the Kappa Pi chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon, a cash award and certificate is awarded for excellence in geography.
National Council for Geographic Education and the Association of American Geographers Award for Excellence of Scholarship
certificate and cash award, presented by the National Council for
Geographic Education and based on the recommendation of the department,
is given to a senior geography major for excellence of scholarship.
Raymond and Ellen Specht Cartography Scholarship
The Department of Geography/ Geology
encourages qualified students to apply for the Raymond and Ellen Specht
Cartography Scholarship, given to the department in memory of Raymond
and Ellen Specht, former UWSP faculty.