Mason Johnson
Major: Water Resources
Minor: GIS & Spatial Analysis
Career Goals:
Graduate from college with a better
understanding of natural resources, geography, and geographic information
systems. Use experience to better our natural resources. Successfully acquire a
job position in field of interest.
Enhance public awareness of natural resource problems.
Assisted in development of a
bathymetric map of the Stevens Point flowage on the Wisconsin River.
- Created
comprehensive annotated list of invasive species and formatted a geodatabase of
compiled records using spatial data for Wisconsin Headwaters Invasives
Johnson, M., and C. Koeller. 2014. Comparison of Transect Spacing and
GPS/Sonar Equipment
for Fluvial Lake Mapping. Poster
Presentation, MN GIS/LIS 24th Annual
Conference, Rochester, MN.
Johnson, M., and C. Koeller. 2014. Comparison
of Transect Spacing and GPS/Sonar Equipment for
Fluvial Lake Mapping.
Poster Presentation. Federation of Environmental Technologist Inc. 30th
Annual Conference, Pewuakee, WI.
lake mapping. Poster Presentation, UW-Stevens Point College of Natural Resources Student Research
Symposium, Stevens Point, WI.
Johnson, M., and C. Koeller. 2014. A comparison of transect spacing and GPS/Sonar equipment for fluvial
lake mapping. Poster Presentation, UW System Symposium, Milwaukee, WI.
Johnson, M., and C. Koeller. 2014.
A comparison of transect spacing and GPS/Sonar equipment for fluvial
lake mapping. Poster Presentation, Wisconsin Lakes Partnership Convention, Stevens Point, WI.
Johnson, M., and C. Slemmons. 2014. Regional spatial analysis of invasive species in North Central
Wisconsin. Poster Presentation, UW-Stevens Point College of Natural Resources Student Research
Symposium, Stevens Point, WI.
Contact Information:
Mason Johnson