Pattern Name:Morning Glory
Pattern Motif:Plants
Glass Type:Flint
Description:50 favorites - 20
In March of 1935 Ruth Webb lee advised readers of the magazine, Antiques, that, “those who would accumulate a rare pattern obtainable in sets, and who have the necessary patience and persistence, are advised to collect the Morning Glory pattern…” (“Rarities in Pattern Glass”). Two years later she listed it among the second ten rather than the top ten most popular patterns. MORNING GLORY “would undoubtedly rate with the first ten in point of appearance and popularity,” she observed, “except that examples are so seldom found that few dealers outside of New England have ever seen a piece of it.” S.T. Millard chose a MORING GLAORY goblet for one of his frontispiece illustrations, Minnie Watson Kamm considered it “one of the scarcest of all patterns in American glass,” and Lura woodside Watkins asserted that is was “one of the more pleasing designs made only at Sandwich” (“Positively Sandwich,” Antiques, April 1935). Excavated fragments and recollections of local residents were cited as the basis of the attribution, and the claim for exclusive Sandwich production was repeated subsequently by numerous authors.