​​CNR & STEAM Student Organizations

American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
​American Water Resources Association (AWRA)

​Animal Behavior Club (ABC)
​Backcountry Hunters and Angles - UWSP Chapter
​Botany Club

​CNR Undergraduate Research Symposium Committee
​Ducks Unlimited - UWSP Chapter 

Environmental and Conservation Planning Club (ECPC)

​​Environmental Educators & Naturalist Association (EENA)
​Fire Crew
​Fisheries Society
​Herpetology Society
Ichthyology and Aquarium Science Society of Stevens Point (IASSSP)​

​Izaak Walton League - UWSP Chapter
​Park & Recreation Association (PRA)
​Society for Ecological Restoration (SER)
​Society of American Foresters (SAF)
​Soil & Water Conservation Society (SWCS)
​Student Law Enforcement Association (SLEA)
​Student Society of Arboriculture (SSA)
​Students for Sustainability (SFS)

​Technical Association of Pulp & Paper Industry (TAPPI)
​The Wildlife Society (TWS)
​Waste Management Society (WMS)
​Women in Natural Resources (WiNR)

Check out the
Stevens Point Involvement Network (SPIN) for more details of these clubs, to get join the member list to receive email updates, to explore more clubs, and sign up for events happening throughout campus!