Jim and Katie Krause CNR Student Research Symposium 

The 25th annual Jim and Katie Krause College of Natural Resources Student Research Symposium will be held on Friday, April 18, 2025! All UW-Stevens Point students are invited to participate by submitting an oral and/or poster presentation.  

Students invest considerable time researching areas such as fisheries and water resources, forestry, human dimensions of natural resource management, paper science and engineering, soil and waste management, and wildlife ecology and management. The symposium allows students to present data collected, explored, and analyzed during their research. Faculty mentors play an essential role in guiding students through the process in a spirited and educational fashion, expanding beyond the traditional bricks and mortar of the classroom. Explore the great stuff happening at the links below:​

​​2023 - Jim and Katie Krause Student Research Symposium Committee - Option 2.png

A little history....

The CNR Research Symposium originated with former UW-Stevens Point CNR Dean Victor Phillips and is organized by a steering committee made up of students working with faculty and staff members. Each year, approximately 100 undergraduate students showcase their research to 400-500 peers, faculty, staff, and the public. This experience is a great way to hone presentation skills in preparation for your professional career. All presenters have the choice of being evaluated by a judge, with the highest honors awarded to the upper quartile.

The CNR Symposium is accompanied by a photo contest organized entirely by students. It attracts over 100 entries and provides an excellent sideshow that blends with the scheduled agenda of the symposium itself. The photo contest usually awards 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes for the top entries (voted on by their peers) in flora, fauna, and scenic and international categories. ​​

Are you interested​ in being a part of the steering committee? Contact the CNR Research Symposium Committee at cnrurs@uwsp.edu.   

Look through this year's booklet!

​ 2024 Symposium Booklet

Check out these previous symposiums for research ideas!