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Community Well Water Education Program

Well water education programs are organized by our Wisconsin community partners to:

  1. To provide a convenient opportunity to have private wells tested for the more common health-related contaminants and other water quality concerns
  2. To learn about local groundwater quality and water safety of individual homeowner wells
"By testing as a community, the results become an important tool to understand the quality of the local groundwater resource." 

The Center works with community partners to arrange a sample testing date, advertise and recruit participants, and facilitate a follow-up educational program.  

Participants receive a copy of their well water test results along with interpretive information for the test packages performed.  

By testing as a community we are also able to provide a summary of water quality in the Town, Village, Watershed, Lake District, or other region where the testing was offered. At the educational program participants recieve important information about each of the tests as well as maps and summaries of all test results for their area. Results from these programs are also integrated into the WI Private Well Water Quality Viewer.

Following the program, participants and community leaders will have:

  • Gained a better understanding of the safety of their water supply
  • Have increased knowledge of local geology and groundwater movement
  • Understand the processes and practices that may cause groundwater contamination
  • Increased understanding of local groundwater quality
  • Learn about practices that can improve or protect groundwater quality  

Organizing a Well Water Education Program

Programs are generally organized in partnership with county staff (Extension offices, land conservation dept., health dept. etc.) and local governments at a town level; however, other arrangements can be made.

If you are interested in organizing a program in your community please plan ahead; depending on availability, programs generally need to be arranged at least 6 months in advance. To find out more information about, schedule a consultation with one our outreach specialist to help design your program, discuss pricing, help with advertising, and ensuring an efficient and educational opportunity for participants and the community. 

Contact Kevin Masarik at (715)346-4276 or email him at to schedule a consultation. 


Copyright © 1993- University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and University of Wisconsin Board of Regents