Opossums use their long tails to help them balance and climb.
The Opossum Mates
Very soon, the only marsupial in North America will give birth to about 7 naked, bean-sized babies. These little ones will immediately crawl into their mother’s pouch, where they will grow and stay protected for the next 2-3 months. When they are large enough to leave the safety of the pouch, they will hitch a ride on their mother’s back.
The Virginia opossum is a nocturnal creature that eats a wide variety of food: insects, fruit, snakes, small animals, and eggs. In turn, opossums are also eaten by many predators such as owls, coyotes, and foxes, and are lucky if they live 3 years.
Did you know? It’s true that when threatened the opossum will “play” dead. It will even roll-over, stiffen, drool, and slow its breathing. This coma-like state can last up to four hours, enough time to fool some predators. The opossum got its name from Captain John Smith in 1608. He got the word from the Algonquin name "apasum", which means white animal.
Learn more: Animal Diversity Web