Painted turtles are omnivores and eat duckweed, algae, tadpoles, small fish, insects, and crayfish.
Painted Turtles Emerge from Lakes
Painted turtles spent this winter hibernating underwater in nearby lakes. They burrowed into the mud where they breathed through the skin in their mouths. Once they emerge they will mate, and in early summer the female will lay 3-9 small white eggs in a hole she will dig on land. She will choose a location that is sunny and near water, and then bury her eggs to protect them from predators such as squirrels, skunks, foxes, raccoons, and snakes. After about ten weeks these eggs will hatch, and may live as long as thirty years.
Amazing!!! The sex of a turtle is determined by the temperature of the egg it develops in. Lower temperatures will result in male turtles, and higher temperatures will result in females. Male painted turtles are slightly smaller and flatter than females, and have longer front claws.
Did you know? The top of a turtle's shell is called the carapace. The bottom half of a turtle's shell is called the plastron.
Learn more: Animal Diversity Web