Zoning Webinars

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Role of the Plan Commission

This webinar introduces three primary tools for land use decision-making: the comprehensive plan, zoning ordinance, and subdivision ordinance. It takes a closer look at zoning decisions and review different rules that apply when your plan commission and elected officials adopt and apply ordinances. 

Webinar Materials

Role of the Plan Commission 8-13-20 Cover.PNG

Role of the Plan Commission Video Recording

Role of the Plan Commission Audio Recording

PowerPoint Presentation

Three Most Common Land Tools

The Zoning Ordinance

Additional Resources


Land Use Training & Resources

Land Use Training & Resources offers access to online education modules about plan commissions and zoning boards and the role they play in land use planning and management. It also provides a variety of information and resources, including community outreach examples, for municipalities interested in expanding their communication through digital processes.

Plan Commission Handbook 

The Plan Commission Handbook is designed to assist the plan commission, local government officials and citizens in understanding the roles and responsibilities of the plan commission and related decision-making standards.

Zoning Board Handbook

The Zoning Board Handbook is intended to assist zoning board members, local government officials and citizens in understanding the role of the zoning board and the procedures and standards with which their decisions must comply.

Overview of Zoom Connection Options

Zoom Participant Instructions - Downloadable PDF file. Includes links to additional Zoom Help.