
​Registration Information

Registration is closed for live workshop. Links to recordings are available for free on this webpage.

Target Audience

This workshop is designed for individuals owning and/or operating a small forestry business or interested in starting their own business.

Workshop Partners

This event is funded, in part, through a grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration. This program is in partnership with Nicolet College and the Small Business Development Center at UW-Stevens Point.

Cancellation Policy

If you are unable to attend the workshop, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing wfc@uwsp.edu. Requests must be received in writing and prior to Wednesday, August 16, 2023. No refunds will be granted on or after Thursday, August 17, 2023. To receive a refund a written request must be made via email to the Wisconsin Forestry Center. ​

Forestry Business Management

Business Bootcamp for Foresters​ & Loggers

August 23, 2023 | 9am - 4pm | Online Training​

This workshop aims to help your forestry or logging business become more efficient, effective, and ultimately, more profitable. The Wisconsin Forestry Center and the Small Business Development Center​ (SBDC) at UW-Stevens Point is partnering with local experts familiar with the forestry and logging industries to bring you this "bootcamp."  

By the end of the day, attendees will:

  1. Learn ways to increase their profitability, including best practices for acquiring assets, accounting for depreciation, projecting accurate costs, and contract/bidding.
  2. Explore succession planning and asset protection.
  3. Enhance their own small business tax knowledge.


Session Recordings

Please note that CEUs and CFEs may not be available when watching the recorded sessions. For more information on earning continuing education by watching the recorded sessions, please contact wfc@uwsp.edu.

Watch the recording of Accounting for Small Businesses.

Watch the recording of Importance of Having an Online Presence.

Watch the recording of Using Work Comp and E&O as a Competitive Advantage.

Watch the recording of Succession Planning: Begin with the End in Mind.

Watch the recording of Contracts and Bidding Formalities - Public and Private.

Continuing Education

CEUs and CFEs may not be available when watching the recorded sessions. For more information on earning continuing education by watching the recorded sessions, please contact wfc@uwsp.edu.

The live workshop was been pre-approved for the following:

  • 5​​.0 ​Wisconsin DNR Cooperating Forester CEUs

  • 4.0 Wisconsin Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) CEUs ​ 
  • 2.0 Society of American Foresters (SAF) Cat. 1 ​CFEs​

  • 3.5 Society of American Foresters (SAF) ​Cat. 2 CFEs​

Workshop Facilitator​

Patrick R. Gatterman

Small Business Development Center

Patrick grew up in a forestry family, is a small business owner, and a devoted community leader with a passion for cooperative values.

He is a firm believer in work-life balance, which means he will ask about your day and encourage bubbler small-talk, as a team is only as strong as the trust they have in each other. He likes to know the people he works with and hopes they want to know him as well.

His favorite aspect of this job is public outreach. He feels very proud to represent a professional collaborative organization. He is proud of the rave reviews his SBDC at UW-Stevens Point team consistently receives.

He enjoys spreading positive energy, and the unique small mom & pop owners that want consulting are very heart-warming. Patrick said, “Let’s be honest, how many jobs out there get ‘Thank you so much’ on a daily, if not hourly, basis? Working in Central Wisconsin is very rewarding.”

Patrick is an avid live music fan. His vacations from work usually include a music festival or outdoor concert. As he has made many friends in this industry, he can tell you that these events are an important social and economic drivers for communities.