​Project Lead

Haley Frater, WFC Outreach Manager

Project Partners

WDNR Division of Forestry

WDNR Forestry Division Effectiveness

Partner Testimonial             
 "The Wisconsin Forestry Center services of instructional design, content curation, and publication creation are exactly what we were looking for. Haley provides excellent support and organized workflows to get the job done. Working with WFC gives us the tools and efficiency needed to move our projects forward with high quality and positive learning results."
Wendy Herrmann, Division Learning Specialist – WDNR – Forestry Division

​Project Overview

The Wisconsin Forestry Center (WFC) is proud to partner with the WDNR's Division of Forestry and the Forestry Division of Effectiveness to provide instructional design and development consulting services. As part of our partnership, the WFC works in cooperation with their Learning Specialist and Forestry Professional Development Training instructors to design, develop, and deliver effective and engaging in-house trainings and instructor resources. 

Project Outcomes

As part of this on-going partnership we have:

  • Converted and delivered an in-person silviculture training to an online course
  • Used online learning best practices to design a new online training 
  • Provided a customized workshop for Division of Forestry instructors on effective and engaging teaching
  • Developed and produced an Instructor Toolkit

Project Deliverables

Instructor Toolkit

The Instructor Toolkit was developed by Wendy Hermann, WDNR Learning Specialist, and Haley Frater, WFC, to provide WDNR Forestry instructors the tools and resources needed to develop and instruct effective courses. 

​The Instructor Toolkit Includes:

  • Course planning worksheet

  • Course delivery worksheet

  • Best practices for online, virtual, and in-person teaching

  • And more!