Capacity Corner
COVID-19 Impacts on Lake Organizations
(recording from webinar on May 7, 2020)
Whether you are part of a lake association, lake district, or watershed group, you have a chance to contribute your time and skills to make an organization more effective. Extension Lakes is working to make your path up the "capacity ladder" as easy as possible by sharing freely available tools, ideas, and resources for capacity development. We have adopted a framework that includes four distinct facets of capacity: Membership, Internal Functions, External Relationships, and Programmatic.
Learn more about our effort in the Capacity Overview.
2020 Wisconsin Lake Group Capacity Survey
In 2020, just as the pandemic was ramping up in Wisconsin, Extension Lakes sent out the Wisconsin Lake Group Capacity Survey to all lake organizations represented in the Lake List. This survey gathered information from lake organizations regarding the four components of capacity: 1) member capacity, 2) relational capacity, 3) organizational capacity, and 4) programmatic capacity. View results (PDF).
For more information contact
Sara Windjue, Leadership and Capacity Development Specialist, Extension Lakes