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Lakeshore habitat restoration training for professionals

principles and practices of lake-friendly landscaping, low impact development, water quality conservation and erosion control of low energy sites on inland Wisconsin lakes

Wednesday, July 16th and Thursday, July 17th, 2014 at Moon Beach Camp, St. Germain

​Wednesday, August 27th and Thursday, August 28th, 2014 at Heidel House Resort & Spa, Green Lake


14.0 DATCP cost-share funding / County LWCD role in lakeshore habitat restoration

SHEEHAN PowerPoints (Moon Beach session) - "Vilas County LWCD shoreland restoration program​"

                                                                              "Shoreline Habitat" 

Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection - Land and Water Conservation
ATCP 50 - Soil and Water Resource Management Program Rule
Standards Oversight Committee - "Most commonly used practices survey results 2013​"
"Conservation program for Vilas County landowners" brochure example
Vilas County Operation and Maintenance Plan example
Vilas County Monitoring Form example​
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