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Lakeshore habitat restoration training for professionals

principles and practices of lake-friendly landscaping, low impact development, water quality conservation and erosion control of low energy sites on inland Wisconsin lakes

Wednesday, July 16th and Thursday, July 17th, 2014 at Moon Beach Camp, St. Germain

​Wednesday, August 27th and Thursday, August 28th, 2014 at Heidel House Resort & Spa, Green Lake


16.0 Getting in tune with local shoreland zoning resources, requirements, and permitting

Laura Boquist, shoreland specialist – Lincoln County Land Services

BOQUIST PowerPoint - "Shoreland mitigation in Lincoln County​"

​Lincoln County - "Zoning shoreland information" web page Web site link
Shoreland buffer database -
project tracking​ and site visit / monitoring example 
[pdf of Access database - contact for non-pdf version]
Lakeshore restoration cost estimate calculator example​ [pdf of Excel spread sheet - contact for Excel file]​
Native plant list for Lincoln County
​Langlade County "Living on the edge" web page ​​Web site link
Customize your plan - web helper program
​County booklets and guides
Note: some of the information in these booklets
may be outdated; check for the newest regulations
at your local zoning office 

"A property owner's guide to for protecting
and managing shorelands in Bayfield County
"Controlling runoff and erosion from
your waterfront property: a guide for
Burnett County landowners
"Shoreline buffer restoration: a guide for landowners" - Burnett County ​
"Shoreland property: a guide to environmentally sound ownership" - UW-Extension / WDNR
"A homeowner's guide to native shoreline gardens" - Walworth County ​
"Shoreland property owner handbook" - Washington County
"Shoreland protection manual: a guide to developing and caring for waterfront property​" - Waupaca County
Vilas County example Mitigation agreement example​​
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