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Lakeshore habitat restoration training for professionals

principles and practices of lake-friendly landscaping, low impact development, water quality conservation and erosion control of low energy sites on inland Wisconsin lakes

Wednesday, July 16th and Thursday, July 17th, 2014 at Moon Beach Camp, St. Germain

​Wednesday, August 27th and Thursday, August 28th, 2014 at Heidel House Resort & Spa, Green Lake


8.0 Designing lakeshore habitat restoration projects – site assessment

Wisconsin biology technical note 1: shoreland habitat
"Site assessment worksheet" - By: Minnesota DNR Restore your shore​
​"Go au naturel' worksheet- By: Vilas County Land and Water Department
"Design guidelines for stormwater bioretention facilities" - By: UW-Madison Water Resources Institute
"Stream corridor restoration: principles, processes, and practices" - By: The Federal Interagency Stream Restoration Working Group​
"Landscaping at the ​the water's edge: an ecological approach" - By: University of New Hampshire Extension
"Chapter 10: Designing natural shoreline landscapes" - By: Michigan Natural Shoreline Partnership ​
"How can I limit the water quality impacts of swimming and camping?" - By: Minnesota DNR ​
"Stairways, landings, and lifts" - By: Minnesota DNR​
"GWQ031Sensible shoreland lighting" - By: David Liebl and Bob Korth​
"Use of herbicide near water - glyphosphate fact sheet​" - By: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources​
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