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Friday Concurrent Session 8
60 minutes

April 3, 2020 ~ 2:45-3:45 pm

Agenda subject to change.

Basics of Lakes and Rivers - Friday, 2:45-3:45 pm

Capacity Building 101 for Lake and River Groups             

The Lakes Partnership relies on local organizations to be effective partners in surface water protection and restoration. Lake associations, lake districts, and watershed groups all vary tremendously in their capacities to take on and carry out necessary projects. Extension Lakes has been developing tools and ideas to help local groups to assess and develop their own capabilities. This presentation will share our overarching “capacity framework” and introduce a new initiative being developed with the Community Development Institute at UW Madison’s Division of Extension. 
Eric Olson, Director and Lakes Outreach Specialist, Extension Lakes 
Jeremy Solin, Leadership and Organizational Capacity Building Specialist, UW Madison Division of Extension 

People and Policy: Action and Updates - Friday, 2:45-3:45 pm 

Link to video recording of live online event (YouTube)

*Two 30 minute presentations

County-Wide Decontamination Ordinance: Has It Been Effective? Is It Working?          

The 2016-2017 Zebra Mussel infestation of the McKenzie lakes chain spurred individual lake associations in Burnett and Washburn Counties to push for beefing up the existing "do not transport ordinance" to include decontamination. Since the passing of the County decontamination ordinance in 2018, we’ve learned many valuable lessons. We'll discuss how we've dealt with concerns of station maintenance/responsibility, run off, bleach solution and boating equipment and how to handle enforcement and other transport violations. It is hoped this effort spreads to more counties around the state as another aquatic invasive species prevention tool. 
Presenter: Dave Ferris, County Conservationist, Burnett County

Emergency Slow No Wake Ordinances: Nuts and Bolts          

High water levels are motivating local governments and lake organizations to adopt slow-no-wake ordinances in order to minimize shoreland damage from boat wakes. There are certain legal and procedural issues that people need to pay attention to as they navigate through this process. We’ll recap how state statutes and DNR code impacts recreational regulations on lakes and provide attendees with a smooth path for using the tools available to them for handling wake and boating issues on their lake. 
Presenter: Mike Engleson, Executive Director, Wisconsin Lakes

Ecology: Life In and Around Our Waters - Friday, 2:45-3:45 pm 

Discovering Dragonflies          

Evolving over 300 million years ago, dragonflies can fly backwards, intercept prey mid-air, see 360 degrees around them, and they live most of their lives underwater! Join us on our exploration of the life history of these wonderful winged creatures as we dive and swoop into their interesting body parts, habitat requirements, and importance in our environment. 
Presenter: Emily Heald, Water Program Coordinator, North Lakeland Discovery Center

Monitoring to Action: Stories from the Field - Friday, 2:45-3:45 pm 

PFAS in Wisconsin Waters          

Current research at University of Wisconsin - Madison and current efforts at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to address the threat of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) contamination. 
Meghan Williams, Water Quality Toxicologist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 
Michael Shupryt, Streams and Rivers Monitoring Lead, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

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