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​​Wednesday Morning Workshops

April 10, 2019 ~ 9:00 am-12:00 pm

Pre-registration required to attend.
Agenda subject to change.

Lake District Commissioner Introduction (Limit: 50) - Wednesday, 9:00 am-12:00 pm - Expo 1 Room

Are you newly elected or appointed to a Lake District Board of Commissioners? Are you considering forming a lake district? This workshop will walk you through the basics of Wisconsin’s unique lake district law and the important roles that elected and appointed commissioners play in making them work. We will cover the basics of Chapter 33, the state statute that governs lake districts and other relevant rules and laws that every lake district commissioner should be familiar with. We will conclude this half-day workshop with a question and answer panel featuring attorneys from the Wheeler, Van Sickle and Anderson law firm in Madison.

Presenter: Eric Olson, Director & Lake Specialist, Extension Lakes

Citizen Lake Monitoring Network Refresher (Limit: 40) - Wednesday, 9:00 am-12:00 pm - Expo 2 Room


Want to learn about how you can help pay it forward? CLMN volunteers pay it forward every time they dip their Secchi disk or look for aquatic invasive species. The data that is collected by volunteers is used by researchers and will be used to make management decisions for decades to come. This refresher workshop is for existing CLMN volunteers to review monitoring protocols, meet their coordinator and learn more about how the data they collect is used. This is also a great opportunity for those who are not CLMN volunteers to learn more about monitoring and how to get involved.

Sandy Wickman, CLMN Regional Coordinator, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources & Extension Lakes - PRESENTATION: Chemistry Refresher (PDF)
Rachel Sabre, Water Quality Biologist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources - PRESENTATION: CLMN Data (PDF)
Kris Larsen, Water Resources Regional Coordinator Northwest Wisconsin, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Katie Hein, Lake Water Quality Lead, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources - PRESENTATION - Monitoring Dissolved Oxygen in Lakes (PDF)
SWIMS Help Team member, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 

Loon Ranger (Limit: 30) - Wednesday, 9:00 am-12:00 pm - Stonefield Room


This workshop serves to train volunteer Loon Rangers, but anyone with an interest in learning more about loons is welcome to join. Classroom instruction will cover loon behavior, ecology, habitat, threats, and protection.  Participants will learn how to identify territorial pairs, floaters, and gain knowledge about nesting loons and chick phenology. This workshop will cover the guidelines for completing the Annual Lakes Monitoring form, as well as address the latest updates on loon monitoring and research.  Loon Rangers will also be sharing some inspirational stories about their experiences with the program.

Presenter: Erica LeMoine, Citizen Science Coordinator, LoonWatch


SWIMS for Beginners (Limit: 25) - Wednesday, 9:00 am-12:00 pm - Sands Room


This workshop is designed for those who have never used DNR’s Surface Water Integrated Monitoring Systems (SWIMS) Database, Viewers and Webpages. Through this workshop we will provide: the basics of SWIMS data entry, how to use DNR’s Viewers – Surface Water Data Viewer (SWDV), Lakes & AIS Mapping Tool, an overview of the Lakes webpages and more. This is a great opportunity for new users to learn about SWIMS. 

SWIMS Help Team, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources -
Jake Dickmann, IS Data Services Senior, Environmental Management, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Ben Kort, Water Quality GIS/Data Management & Web Mapping Coordinator, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 
Dennis Wiese, IS Business AUTO Specialist, Environmental Management, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Jeanne Scherer, Aquatic Invasive Species Outreach Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

How to Start a Lake Association, River, Watershed or Friends Group (Limit: 40) - Wednesday, 9:00 am-12:00 pm - Frontier Room


No matter their size, lake associations can be more effective in managing their lake if they are effective in managing themselves. This basic-level workshop aims to answer many of the questions that lake associations frequently ask by providing training on areas such as good governance, record-keeping, obtaining and retaining a tax exemption, and more. You’ll also have access to professionals who work closely with those administering and leading small nonprofits. From topics such as initial formation, fundraising, insurance, employment, and more, this workshop aims to be a free flowing exploration of topics often faced by Wisconsin's lake associations. A pre-Convention survey will help the presenters tailor the workshop to the individual interests of the participants. 

Presenters: Mike Engleson, Executive Director, Wisconsin Lakes

PRESENTATION: How to Start a Lake Association (PDF)

Starting a Native Plant Growing Volunteer Program (Limit: 50) - Wednesday, 9:00 am-12:00 pm - Harvest Room


Are you interested in growing native plants? Do you want to learn how to start a volunteer growing program? In 2016, Dane County started a native plant volunteer growing program to help provide a source of free plants for school and community projects. In this workshop, attendees will learn about the structure and process of this program, lessons learned, and how it has evolved over time.

Susan Sandford, Strategic Engagement Coordinator, Dane County Land & Water Resources Department

Theresa Nelson, Stormwater Engineer, Dane County Land & Water Resources Department


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