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Concurrent Session 5
40 minutes

April 1, 2016 ~ 8:00-8:40 am

Agenda subject to change.

Aquatic Invasive Species - Friday, 8:00-8:40 am

Aquatic Invasive Species Communications:

Audience Segmentation Strategies for Communicating with Boaters at High Risk of Spreading Aquatic Invasive Species

Because some boaters pose more risk to spreading aquatic invasive species (AIS) than others, targeted outreach to high-risk boaters could be beneficial. This presentation will describe an analysis of 2013 Wisconsin boater survey data that explores how higher risk groups are different in terms of attitudes and behaviors, as those factors may inform communication strategies. The two high-risk groups were highly transient boaters and boaters that recreate in counties with more public access. On many points, the groups did not differ, suggesting that high-risk groups do not need entirely separate communication messages. However, there were differences that have implications for outreach. Gain a better understanding of the benefits and drawbacks of segmenting audiences in an AIS context, identifying specific messaging for AIS-prevention outreach initiatives, and learning which AIS prevention behaviors are followed more or less often.

Bret Shaw, Environmental Communication Specialist and Professor, UW-Extension/UW-Madison 

Aquatic Invasive Species Communications:

Aquatic Invasive Species Communication Strategies for Wisconsin

The Wisconsin Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Partnership implements multiple communication programs and campaigns to help to prevent the spread of AIS. The Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers! and Habitattitude campaigns, utilized by the Wisconsin AIS Partnership, are both national brands approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force. These national brands provide recognized and consistent messaging for our network of statewide partners. Programming featuring these national brands is supplemented by targeted communication campaigns, like the 4th of the July Landing Blitz and the Drain Campaign, help AIS partners reach specific audiences with relevant information. All of these efforts combined have effectively raised awareness of AIS issues and helped everyone in Wisconsin do their part to Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers!

Tim Campbell, Aquatic Invasive Species Communications Specialist, UW-Extension/Wisconsin DNR

Citizen Science - Friday, 8:00-8:40 am

Citizen Lake Monitoring Network Inspires Volunteer Aquatic Invasive Species Collaboration Around Silver Lake in Waukesha County

By snorkel, scuba, kayak, and canoe, invasive species we’re looking for you! Learn how the Silver Lake Management District and greater Silver Lake community continue the Citizen Lake Monitoring Network (CLMN) volunteer tradition, building on and adding to past collaborative efforts from diverse stakeholders. In 2014, the Silver Lake Management District received a Southeastern Wisconsin Invasive Species Consortium, Inc. funding assistance award sponsored by the We Energies Foundation to conduct a Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM) hand-pulling project utilizing scuba divers from Underwater Connection in Delafield. In June of 2014, volunteers hand-pulled 100% of the EWM from a dense stand located in the southwest corner of the lake. The following spring, only about 20% of the EWM had re-emerged, helping re-energize our campaign to combat invasive species.

Nate Rice, Silver Lake Management District

Porters Lake Eurasian Watermilfoil Monitoring and Management

Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM) was discovered in Porters Lake during the summer of 2012. The Porters Lake Management District quickly collaborated with various partners to address this problem and discuss the best management response. Through strategic manual removal of the EWM, a small herbicide treatment, a Rapid Response grant from the WDNR, and intense monitoring, the EWM was reduced to below detectable levels by June 2013. Regular monitoring of the lake by CLMN volunteers and staff continued to find no EWM remaining in the lake until September 2015, when a few EWM plants were found and removed. Volunteer AIS monitoring and diligent manual removal efforts have kept costs of EWM control in Porters Lake to near zero, with no chemical herbicides applied to the lake since the initial infestation treatment.

Skip Hansen, Porters Lake Management District
Dick Hansen, Porters Lake Management District
Brenton Butterfield, Onterra, LLC
Paul Skawinski, UW-Extension Lakes

Healthy Lakes - Friday, 8:00-8:40 am

Fish Sticks Success

The Belle Plaine Sportsman Club and the Cloverleaf Lakes Association collaborated on a Healthy Lakes project that contained fish sticks and shoreline restoration. The project created habitat for fish and wildlife, aided in erosion control, and brought the two groups together to achieve a common goal, protecting and enhancing the quality of aquatic life in the Cloverleaf Lakes.

Brenda Nordin, Lakes Biologist, Wisconsin DNR
Dennis Thornton, President, Cloverleaf Lakes Protective Association
Donna Ford, Secretary, Belle Plaine Sportsmans Club

Streams, Rivers, and Watersheds - Friday, 8:00-8:40 am

Red Cedar River Water Quality Partnership

The Red Cedar River Water Quality Partnership came together in 2013 when several professionals working on water quality issues in the Red Cedar River Basin began talking about better coordination of efforts to address the phosphorus levels and frequent, intense blue-green algal blooms in Lakes Tainter and Menomin, as well as in lakes higher up the watershed and in the river itself. The Partnership has grown to include business partners, several lake associations, farming organizations, and multiple agencies at the local, county and state level. The Partnership has authored a ten-year strategy to address phosphorus issues and oversees work focused on these efforts. This presentation will discuss how all these various groups and citizens came together, what they have accomplished, and the ten-year plan for the watershed and lakes.

Dan Zerr, Lower Chippewa Basin Natural Resource Educator, UW-Extension
Ron Verdon, President of Tainter Menomin Lake Improvement Association (TMLIA)
Ted Ludwig, Coordinator, Red Cedar Basin Monitoring Group
Julia Olmstead, Coordinator of the Farmer-Led Watershed Council Project, UW-Extension

Ecology - Friday, 8:00-8:40 am


Learn about one of Wisconsin’s most diverse, yet hidden treasures, our native mussels (also known as clams).  Can you believe that over half of Wisconsin’s 52 native mussel species are listed as threatened, endangered, or species of concern? Declining water quality and habitat alterations, as well as invasive mussels pose major threats to the existence of our native mussels, which have a fascinating life history and have contributed to the history of Wisconsin. The Mussel Monitoring Program of Wisconsin would appreciate help in monitoring native mussels in your area!

Lisie Kitchel, Conservation Biologist, Wisconsin DNR

Presentation: Freshwater Mussels of Wisconsin (PDF)

Community-driven Resource Management - Friday, 8:00-8:40 am

Water Way Walk: Lac du Flambeau Experience

No one disputes that water is essential for life. A group of volunteers in Lac du Flambeau decided last winter that an act of gratitude, respect, and even reverence for the gift of water was overdue, and they chose to do something about it. Following in the footsteps of those who participated in the original Waterwalk around Lake Superior in 2003, residents of Lac du Flambeau decided to host their own Waterwalk around two lakes near the heart of the community during Mother's Day weekend in 2015. Sparked by Tinker Schuman (Migizikwe-Eagle Woman), a local Ojibwe Spiritual Woman, and the efforts of a small planning committee, dozens of tribal and non-tribal residents participated in a sunrise reverential ceremony before carrying a pail of water for ten miles around Flambeau and Long Interlaken Lakes. The walk ended with participants gathering for fellowship and a potluck feast. With future generations in mind, plans for a 2016 Waterwalk are underway. This session will touch on the recent history of waterwalks, including the various roles volunteers have played to make them successful, and will include an actual water ceremony.

Tinker Schuman 
(Migizikwe - Eagle Woman), Ojibwe Tribe 
Norm Wetzel, Virginia Chosa, Roberta Gast and Nancy Junkerman​, Members of Lac du Flambeau Town Lakes Committee


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