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Concurrent Session 2
60 minutes

March 31, 2016 ~ 11:00 am-12:00 pm

Agenda subject to change.

Aquatic Invasive Species - Thursday, 11:00 am-12:00 pm

Aquatic Invasive Species Statewide Programs:

The Water Guard Story

This presentation will include background on the Water Guard program, what we have done over the years to educate the public about aquatic invasive species and promote behavior change in boaters and anglers, and the new and exciting plans for the 2016 season on the water. Join us to learn about this special team of Water Guards!
Samantha Olsen, Conservation Warden, Wisconsin DNR

Presentation: Water Guard Program 2016 (PDF)  

Aquatic Invasive Species Statewide Programs:

Future Direction - How Are We Doing?

Audience members will learn about Wisconsin's Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Partnership, future plans, and ways to get involved. Information about the local, state, and national role our Lakes and AIS Partnership plays will provide audience members with a picture of the importance of everyone's actions. A brief introduction to our AIS Strategic Plan update and how to provide input will be provided.
Bob Wakeman, Statewide Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator, Wisconsin DNR


Citizen Science - Thursday, 11:00 am-12:00 pm 

A Volunteer Perspective: The How, What, and Why Behind Citizen Lake Monitoring 

The list of panelists and lakes they represent is diverse, spanning southern to northern Wisconsin. Join us for an open discussion on citizen lake monitoring from the volunteers’ perspectives.
Panel Members:
Mike Backus, Jordan Lake, Adams County
Kay Scharpf, Franklin Lake, Forest County
Jessica Rice, Silver Lake, Waukesha County
Cheryl Clemens, Harmony Environmental, Polk County
Chuck Ecklund, Lake Redstone, Sauk County
Tom Walters, Lake Redstone, Sauk County
Dan Pagel, Blue Lake, Oneida County
Lisa Griffin, Lake Ripley, Jefferson County

Presentation: Blue Lake Monitoring Program (PDF)

Lake Research - Thursday, 11:00 am-12:00 pm 

Water Quality Management of Lakes in Series

Lakes in series (often called lake chains), whether natural or artificial, can present unique management challenges. Water quality in a given lake is determined by characteristics of the local watershed and the larger upstream watershed, as well as internal processes occurring in both the lake and the upstream lakes. The relative influence of these factors can vary significantly among interconnected lakes and can also vary seasonally. These concepts are illustrated using the results of a recent study of seasonal phosphorus dynamics in the Yahara Chain of Lakes in Dane County. Management recommendations based on these results will be presented and also generalized to be applicable to lake chains throughout Wisconsin.
Cory McDonald, Natural Resource Scientist, Wisconsin DNR


A New Lake and Watershed Characteristic Dataset for Wisconsin Lake Modeling

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources recently delineated watershed boundaries for all Wisconsin lakes over five acres in surface area. Several lake and watershed characteristics have since been developed, including lake morphometry, water residence time, watershed land cover, and estimates of phosphorus loading. All variables have been compiled into a single spreadsheet that can be used as a primary reference for Wisconsin lake characteristics and as a source for inputs to lake water quality models. This presentation will introduce the dataset and provide an overview of its appropriate uses and limitations.
Matt Diebel, Water Resource Management Specialist, Wisconsin DNR


Planning, Management, and Implementation - Thursday, 11:00 am-12:00 pm

Considerations for Success, Challenges and Sharing our Experience: Hand-pulling and DASH for Aquatic Invasive Plant Removal

Hand removal can be an effective tool in your toolbox to manage for aquatic invasive plants. This presentation will cover some hand removal strategies used to manage aquatic invasive plants (primarily non-native milfoils) including the use of divers and diver assisted suction harvesting or DASH. We will discuss applicability as a tool, challenges and strengths, and demonstrate how hand removal can be used in an integrated approach including consideration to best management practices. This presentation will provide information from our experiences on the process, resource anticipations for citizen lead efforts, challenges, and expectations.
Barb Gajewski, Aquatic Ecologist, Many Waters LLC
Stephanie Boismenue, Squash Lake Association, Oneida County
Ned Greedy, Tomahawk Lake Association, Oneida County


Ecology - Thursday, 11:00 am-12:00 pm

Furbearers and Forest Wildlife 

Join this Furbearer Specialist who, while forgotten in the north woods, worked with neat critters like bald eagles, common loons, ospreys, and black bears. Beginning in 1985, John became active on the Wolf Recovery Team which eventually was successful and led to his involvement with the Wolf Science Team until April of 2013. Wetlands, wild rice, and muskrats are special to John, who will share highlights and tidbits about our Wisconsin furbearers, especially those that share our aquatic world with us.
John Olson, Wildlife Specialist, Wisconsin DNR 

Lake Management Policy - Thursday, 11:00 am-12:00 pm

Updates on Legislation Affecting our Lakes

To advocate solid public policy that protects and preserves our lakes and waters, you need to have a thorough understanding of what’s going on in the world of legislation. The 2015-17 legislative session is shaping up to be another tumultuous time for natural resources legislation, especially concerning water and lakes, which makes this understanding all the more important. This presentation will focus on legislation covering a wide gamut of issues, from shoreland development and waterways regulations, to groundwater and the law governing management of lake districts in WI. We’ll make sure you leave understanding the issues facing our lakes, lake organizations, and the Lakes Partnership.
Mike Engleson, Executive Director, Wisconsin Lakes


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