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Technical Sessions
60 minutes

April 24, 2014
4:45 - 5:45 pm

Agenda subject to change.



Harmful Algal Blooms in Wisconsin Waters 2009 - 2013

Thursday, 4:45 - 5:45 pm

Please join us for a presentation regarding cyanobacteria (also known as blue-green algae) in Wisconsin's recreational waters. This session will feature presentations from Gina LaLiberte, from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and Emmy Wollenburg, from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. Ms. LaLiberte will provide an overview of the biology and ecology of cyanobacteria, review toxin-producing species, and discuss the conditions which promote harmful algal blooms. Ms. Wollenburg will address the health hazards posed by cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins and practical ways to stay safe while enjoying Wisconsins waters. The speakers will also present results of the 2009-2013 Department of Health Services program which conducted surveillance of algae-related health issues. This session will give attendees an opportunity to learn more about harmful algal blooms in Wisconsin lakes.
Gina LaLiberte, WI Department of Natural Resources
Emmy Wollenburg, WI Department of Health Services

Presentation: Harmful Algal Blooms in Wisconsin Waters 2009-2013

Dammed If You Do, Dammed If You Don't: What Does It Mean To 
Own a Dam?

Thursday, 4:45 - 5:45 pm

Many lake associations and lake districts are dam owners or considering becoming dam owners. This WDNR presentation will focus on various aspects of dam ownership including regulatory requirements, ownership responsibilities, permits, technical assistance and floodplain zoning.
Miriam Anderson, Dam Safety and Floodplain Planning Specialist, WI Department of Natural Resources
Bill Sturtevant, State Dam Safety Engineer, WI Department of Natural Resources


Aquatic Plant Management

Thursday, begins at 4:45 pm

The Wisconsin DNR and the Army Corps of Engineers have been working together under a cooperative research agreement to study herbicide treatment strategies for aquatic invasive plant (Eurasian water-milfoil and curly-leaf pondweed) control for the past five years. Our challenge now is to begin integrating the research findings into aquatic invasive plant management. Dr. Mike Netherland will present on emerging issues in aquatic plant management using results from the last five years of research. His presentation will be followed by a panel discussion to explore how we use ongoing research to better manage invasive aquatic plants and consider potential unintended consequences. The panel will consist of DNR representatives, scientists, consultants and lake group members.
Scott Provost, WI Department of Natural Resources
Scott Van Egeren, WI Department of Natural Resources
Mike Netherland, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers

Addtional Info: APM Guidance



Wisconsin Water Grant Updates

Thursday, 4:45 - 5:45 pm

Get the latest information and your questions answered on potential funding for your water protection and improvement project. This session will cover the new application deadlines and forms for Lake Planning & Protection; Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention & Control; and River Planning & Management Grant; new streamlined lake health improvement projects and other updates and funding opportunities​.
Carroll Schaal, Lakes and Rivers Section Chief, WI Department of Natural Resources 



Wisconsin Lakes Listening Session

Thursday, 4:45 - 5:45 pm

The past year brought a number of changes to Wisconsin Lakes, the statewide citizen's voice for lakes since 1992. Come hear about what's new and where we are headed, but most importantly, to voice your questions and concerns about our organization. Join in an open conversation with our staff and board as we look to the future of Wisconsin Lakes.
Wisconsin Lakes Board of Directors

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