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Keynote Speakers
There will be a variety of speakers joining us for the 2013 Wisconsin Lakes Convention. Descriptions of their talks, as well as other special events, are listed below.
The agenda is subject to change without notice.
Rooms will be listed in final printed convention agenda.
Agenda subject to change.
Wednesday Keynote
Wednesday, April 10th
Dr. David Garman
Australian scientist David E. J. Garman, a specialist in water resources and pollution control, is the founding dean of the graduate School of Freshwater Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM). A past president and chairman of the International Water Association, Garman also was leader of the Safe Water Sub-project of an Australian Aid Project dealing with provision of safe water services in Bangladesh, and has also worked in Australia and China on remediation of eutrophic lakes. He has been involved in or associated with remediation projects for more than 100 lakes, from small to large systems. The UWM School of Freshwater Sciences is the first graduate school in the nation dedicated solely to the study of freshwater.
Wednesday Lunch
Wednesday, April 10th
Ken Johnson
Ken Johnson, administrator of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources water division has spent more than 30 years of working in - and leading - water-related programs for the DNR. He oversees more than 600 professional DNR staff working to provide safe drinking water, protect groundwater, manage state fish populations, provide fishing opportunities, and manage surface water programs across the state. He was recently elected chair of the Great Lakes Commission, the interstate compact agency that promotes the orderly, integrated and comprehensive development, use, and conservation of the water and related natural resources of the Great Lakes basin and St. Lawrence River.
Thursday Lunch
Thursday, April 11th
Dr. Mamie Parker
An outstanding motivational speaker, Mamie Parker recently retired after a very successful career at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). She is the first African American to serve as the FWS Regional Director in its 35-year history, and she did it by starting at the bottom, as a biologist in Wisconsin. Armed with B.S., M.S. and PhD degrees, Parker has an extensive amount of experience as a fish and wildlife biologist. She rose to the ranks of Assistant Director (Fisheries and Habitat Conservation) of the FWS and Governor Mike Huckabee inducted her into the Arkansas Hall of Fame shortly before her alma mater, the University of Arkansas, selected her as the Alex Haley Distinguished Lecturer and a Hall of Famer. She is a Rotarian and serves as a trustee on the Chesapeake Conservancy and the Board of Directors for the National Wildlife Refuge Association.
Thursday Closing Keynote
Thursday, April 11th
Allison Argo
In addition to filmmaking, Allison Argo is a gifted communicator and motivational speaker who has inspired audiences around the world. She brings vitality and insight into her presentations, which she augments with compelling video from her award-winning films (Frogs: The Thin Green Line, 9/11: Where Were You?, Snake Invasion). Whether speaking to a roomful of professionals or an auditorium of thousands, Argo has the uncanny ability to reach every member of the audience, from nine to ninety.