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Sunrise Concurrent Sessions 7
60 minutes

April 11, 2013
10:30-11:30 am

Agenda subject to change.


Cultural Aspects of Lakes

Documentary Movie –Water is Life: Mother Earth Water Walk – Part 2

Thursday, 10:30-11:30 am

In 2003, two grandmothers of the Anishinawbe people walked around Lake Superior. The following year they walked around Lake Michigan. In 2005 their walk circled Lake Huron and the next three years followed Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, Lake Michigan and the St. Lawrence River. As they walked they drew attention to the water in its many forms, waterfalls and mists, rivers and lakes, raindrops and dew. Their mission was to bring awareness about our water, our most needed element of life. The blue green algae blooms in the waters, the mercury, toxins and limited resources are telling them that our waters are neglected. The crisis of clean fresh water supplies for the future is at risk. This movie chronicles this growing movement.  

People, Policy & Politics

Wisconsin Legislative Updates

Thursday, 10:30-11:30 am

Here is an opportunity to learn about the public policy work that is supported by Wisconsin Lakes' members. This session will highlight current state budget and legislative activity important to Wisconsin’s lakes. We will review updates on the current status of proposed legislation impacting our state's waters, changes to statewide shoreland management rules, reform of State mining and groundwater laws, and other policies affecting our waters. This session also functions as the Wisconsin Lake Membership meeting.
Presenter: Mary Knipper, Wisconsin Lakes Board President & John Keckhaver, Government Relations and Analysis LLC and Policy Consultant, Wisconsin Lakes

Aquatic Invasive Species

Wisconsin Ballast Water Program Implementation: Step 1 in the Fight Against New AIS Introduction

Thursday, 10:30-11:30 am

For any part of an aquatic invasive species (AIS) strategy to work, we need to prevent the introduction of new species and the spread of existing AIS. This prompted Wisconsin to issue its own permit regulating ballast water discharges in 2010, because federal regulations were not stringent enough to protect Wisconsin's waters. Implementation of the new ballast water program includes issuing permits, conducting outreach, and inspections aboard vessels. Our presentation will provide a review and update of Wisconsin’s ballast water program, summarize results of inspections conducted in 2011-2012, and include an overview of compliance related issues found through inspections. We will also discuss the importance of continuing to regulate ballast water as the first mechanism to help prevent inland waterbodies from being infested with new AIS and provide an update on the current status of state and federal regulations.
Presenters: Cordell Manz, Lake Michigan Ballast Water Inspector, WDNR

Lake Habitat & Biology

Oxbows, Delta Ponds, and Sloughs: Wisconsin’s Forgotten Lakes

Thursday, 10:30-11:30 am

Despite decades of progressive lake research, monitoring and management in Wisconsin, an entire class of lakes exists outside mainstream management. Floodplain lakes, perhaps overshadowed by the scores of glacial lakes in the state and lacking constituencies, are poorly understood and rarely investigated. Yet these mysterious water bodies provide essential ecological services and are critical for maintaining biodiversity. Learn more about these unique and life “rich” habitats.
Presenter: Dave Marshall, Consultant, Underwater Habitat Investigations LLC

Native Plants & Animals

Perils to Frogs and Wetlands

Thursday, 10:30-11:30 am

During the 1990s, deformed frogs emerged from hundreds of wetlands all over Minnesota and in many other states as well. Some scientists documented the types and the extent of the frog malformations, while others conducted basic research to try to understand potential causes. Recent surveys show high percentages of deformed frogs still appearing across the county. What do we know now about the mysterious epidemic of deformed frogs that continues today? What are some of the knowledge gaps and barriers that make solving this mystery so difficult? This talk will give an overview of the deformed frogs and some of the perils that continue to Minnesota's wetlands.
Presenter: Judy Helgen, Wetlands and Deformed Frog Researcher

Water Quality, Watersheds, & Groundwater

St. Croix Civic Engagement and TMDL Project

Thursday, 10:30-11:30 am

Discussion on the fantastic collaboration and civic engagement surrounding the St. Croix. Who is responsible for their lake's health? Find out how the St. Croix management strategy worked with the integration of two States and the governance involved.
Presenter: Patrick "Buzz" Sorge, Lake Coordinator, WDNR

Scientific Lake Research

Measurements of Lakeshore Habitat Restoration: Preliminary Findings 2007-2012

Thursday, 10:30-11:30 am

Lakeshore development for housing and recreation in the Great Lakes states has resulted in substantial loss of habitat and wildlife diversity, and has increased the potential of input of surface-water runoff sediments and nutrients. In Vilas and Ashland counties of northern Wisconsin, partnerships have been formed between government agencies, academic institutions, private landowners, and community volunteers to investigate the social and ecological benefits of restoring impaired lake shores. This project investigates the benefits and best practices of planting native trees, shrubs, and forbs, installation of down woody material (DWM), soil erosion and bank stabilization products, and other green infrastructure to increase the success of restoration projects. The long-term results will provide insight into which restoration practices are most effective in re-establishing impaired lakeshores in Wisconsin.
Presenter: Mike Meyer, Research Scientist, WDNR, Brick Fevold, Wildlife Ecologist, WDNR & Dan Haskell, Applied Ecologist, Michigan Technological University

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