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Concurrent Sessions 3
40 minutes

April 10, 2013
2:35-3:15 pm

Agenda subject to change.


Cultural Aspects of Lakes

Native American Panel—Menominee, Oneida & Ho-Chunk

Wednesday, 2:35-3:15 pm

Join several tribal representatives for an open panel discussion. Their talk will reflect about water and lakes in their culture and what they are collectively doing for preservation before it's too late.
Ronald Hill, Oneida Nation's Cultural Heritage Dept
Email Ronald Hill
Douglas Cox, Environmental Program Coordinator, Menominee Tribe
Email Douglas Cox
Robert Mann, Ho-Chunk Tribe
Email Robert Mann
Presentation: Why the Menominee Are Here - The Story of the Importance of Water

People, Policy & Politics

Lessons from a Successful Regional Urban Watersheds Collaborative Cultural Aspects of Lakes

Wednesday, 2:35-3:15 pm

This session offers a detailed synopsis of creating and improving a regional water quality and conservation collaborative, based on the successes and challenges of Sweet Water the Southeastern Wisconsin Watersheds Trust, Inc. Participants will gain an in-depth introduction to the innovative decision-making and policy-setting structure of this water quality partnership, staffed by nine local, regional or national NGOs. While still youthful, Sweet Water successes include completion of watershed restoration plans for the Kinnickinnic and Menomonee Rivers, securing an EPA grant to create a watershed-based stormwater permit for the Menomonee River municipalities (one of 3 national pilots for EPA), leading all stakeholder outreach for four new third-party TMDLs, and creating and funding of both a green infrastructure mini-grant program and a new regional storm water education program.

Presenter: Jeff Martinka, Executive Director, Sweet Water
Email Jeff Martinka
Presentation:  Lessons from a Successful Regional Urban Watersheds Collaborative

Aquatic Invasive Species

Wisconsin AIS Rapid Response Plan

Wednesday, 2:35-3:15 pm

There have been many successes in rapid responses to newly discovered populations of aquatic invasive species (AIS) around Wisconsin. Using our experiences with AIS such as hydrilla, Eurasian water-milfoil, and red swamp crayfish, we have developed a statewide rapid response framework for AIS based off of New York state’s plan. The plan lays out a framework to assist managers in responding thoroughly, professionally, and effectively to the many challenges that result from new invasions. The process is flexible to allow for case-specific facts to guide the responses, while ensuring that managers address all the necessary components of an effective response.
Presenter: Erin Vennie-Vollrath, Water Resources Management Specialist, WDNR
Email Erin Vennie-Vollrath
Presentation:  WI's Rapid Response Framework for AIS

Lake Habitat & Biology

A Comparison of Historical Changes in Lake Morphology of Six Inland Lakes in Wisconsin

Wednesday, 2:35-2:55 pm

The morphology of lake bottom changes over time was assessed in six central Wisconsin Lakes. Original bathymetric surveys were conducted with ice-grid surveys in cut holes through ice at intersections of perpendicular transects that were equally spaced over a lake surface. Techniques using GPS/Sonar Technology and software was used to build 3D models which can be used to watch changes in lakes over time. This study points out the present need for well-defined base maps with precise (<1cm) elevations so future studies can clearly define bottom changes that may be attributed to natural and anthropogenic factors.
Presenter: Christine Koeller, Graduate Student, University of Wisconsin –Stevens Point
Email Christine Koeller
Presentation: A Comparison Of Historical Changes In Lake Morphology of Six Inland Lakes in Wisconsin

How to Make a Bathymetric Map with the New Generation of Lowrance HDS Sounders

Wednesday, 2:55-3:15 pm

Bathymetric maps are an important resource for managing and exploring Wisconsin lakes and rivers. This presentation will discuss another technology used to define lake bottoms. ciBioBase is a new alternative cloud-based method that generates a surface based on data uploaded from Lowrance HDS sounders, and also maps the extent and density of aquatic vegetation. Both the Arc Map GIS and ciBioBase method can produce good quality bathymetric surfaces that are crafted into publication quality maps utilizing Adobe Illustrator software.
Presenter: Sean Hartnett, Professor, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
Email Sean Hartnett

Native Plants & Animals

Gardening for Butterflies and Birds with Native Plants

Wednesday, 2:35-3:15 pm

Come learn how to enhance your backyard or shoreland area with native plants attractive to birds and butterflies. Find out about host plant and nectar plant options for gardeners. Get acquainted with appropriate resources and receive a free design sheet to help you plan your first native plant bed!
Presenter: Patrick Goggin, Lake Specialist, UW-Extension Lakes
Email Patrick Goggin

Water Quality, Watersheds, & Groundwater

The Public Trust Doctrine's Impact on Groundwater Withdrawals

Wednesday, 2:35-3:15 pm

Learn about the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s landmark decision extending the protections afforded navigable surface waters by the state's public trust doctrine to underground aquifers that feed surface waters. This presentation explores the basis of the court's decision and its resulting effect on those seeking, or opposing, permits for significant usage of shallow aquifers.
Presenter: Daniel Bach, Attorney, Bauer & Bach LLC
Email Daniel Bach
Presentation:  Legal Update on High Capacity Wells

Scientific Lake Research

Milfoil Weevil Mass Rearing Pilot Study: Year 2

Wednesday, 2:35-2:55 pm

Milfoil weevils (Euhrychiopsis lecontei) are used in the biological control of Eurasian watermilfoil, but buying the thousands of weevils needed to stock a lake can be cost-prohibitive for many lake groups. This presentation includes results from year 1 and 2 of a mass pilot project that uses volunteers to rear weevils for EWM bio control, as well as plans for year 3, the final phase of the study.
Presenter: Amy Thorstenson, AIS Coordinator, Golden Sands RC & D
Email Amy Thorstenson
Presentation: Milfoil Weevil Mass Rearing Pilot Study

Weevil Rearing: A First-hand Experience

Wednesday, 2:55-3:15 pm

Beaver Creek Reserve has embarked on a weevil rearing project with Golden Sands RC&D. Over the summer of 2012, weevils were raised in nine cattle tanks in the back of our facility. The weevils were released into Perch Lake of St. Croix County, which is an hour away from the Reserve. There were many rewards with this project but also challenges. Come learn what we learned and how you can accomplish weevil rearing on your lake.
Presenter: Anna Mares, AIS Coordinator, Beaver Creek Reserve
Email Anna Mares
Presentation: Weevil Rearing - A First-hand Experience

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