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Wisconsin Lakes Partnership 2012 Convention Archive

Lunch & Dinner Speakers

​Lunch- Wednesday, April 11

WDNR Deputy Secretary Matt Moroney

Deputy Secretary Matt Moroney was raised on a small family farm outside of Masonville, Iowa where he fished and was a trapper. He graduated from Loras College in 1991with a major in Political Science and Economics. He graduated the University of Iowa College of Law in 1994. He has been attorney at DeWitt Ross and Stevens the past 2 years, and was previously the Executive Director of the Metropolitan Builders Association of Greater Milwaukee.
As Deputy, Moroney oversees the day-to-day operations of the Department of Natural Resources. He enjoys playing basketball, fishing, and spending time with family and friends. He lives in Waukesha with his wife, Linda, and their 2 children.

Dinner Banquet - Wednesday, April 11

Lake Stewardship Banquet and Awards Ceremony

The Wisconsin Lakes Partnership presents the annual Wisconsin Lake Stewardship Awards to recognize the extraordinary volunteer and professional efforts of individuals and groups to protect and improve our lakes. People are nominated for Stewardship Awards by their peers. It's a meaningful way to say thank you to the people in your community who work so hard to care for our lakes.
Winners of these awards join a select group of women, men, students, and organizations whose unmatched dedication, vision, and commitment ensure that Wisconsin's legacy of lakes will be protected for generations to come. The Stewardship Awards represent our best collective effort to honor and celebrate all the incredible work that goes into securing a bright future for Wisconsin's lakes. Don't miss this opportunity to pay tribute to all the people who are doing extraordinary things for Wisconsin's lakes.
The Lake Stewardship Awards Ceremony Presentation
To view past Lake Stewardship award winners click here.

Closing Lunch - Thursday, April 12

Representative Cory Mason

Representative Cory Mason represents the 62nd Assembly District in the Wisconsin State Legislature. Rep. Mason was first elected to the Wisconsin State Assembly in 2006 and re-elected in 2008 and 2010.
Rep. Mason is a member of the legislature's Joint Committee on Finance and the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources. Rep. Mason also recently was the Vice-Chair of a Special Legislative Study Committee on Infant Mortality.
Rep. Mason is a sixth-generation Racine resident and a graduate of Case High School. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Rep. Mason and his wife, Rebecca, live in West Racine with their three young children, Eleanor Roosevelt Mason, Amelia Earhart Mason, and Cory H. Mason V.
In addition to his legislative committees, Rep. Mason is a former board member of the River Alliance of Wisconsin, is co-chair of the I-94 Labor Development Committee, is a member of the Root River Council, and serves on the Wisconsin Coastal Management Council.
For more information on Rep. Mason, visit:

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