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​Wisconsin Lakes Partnership

2008 Convention Archive

Afternoon Workshops

 Thursday, April 17
2:00 - 5:00pm 

​F.   "Homelake" Security: Early Detection and Rapid Response

Thursday, 2:00-5:00pm

Early Detection and Rapid Response is a commonly discussed strategy for aquatic invasive species (AIS) management.  In this three–tiered strategy for preventing the spread, and managing large established populations, mechanisms are put into place to detect new invasive populations and take swift action to control or eliminate invasives before they become established and out of control.  Since 2003, the DNR has employed this approach in its Aquatic Invasive Species Control grants in over a dozen projects.  Join DNR staff, local lake organization leaders, and consultants who have direct experience with these projects to examine how this strategy has been put to work specifically for Eurasian water-milfoil.  Presenters will share their experiences, techniques, successes, failures, and recommendations for improvements.
Presenters: Carroll Schaal, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; Jane Swenson, Bayfield Co.; Matt Berg, Endangered Resource Services, LLC; Roger and Lorna Wilson, St. Croix Flowage; Frank Koshere, WI Dept. of Natural Resources; Scott Provost, WI Dept. of Natural Resources

Manual Removal - Bayfield County - Jane Swenson presentation

G.   Connecting Students and Teachers with the Environment, River Crossings Style

Thursday, 2:00-5:00pm

Teachers at River Crossing Environmental Charter School feel that kids are the future to the protection of our natural resources, which includes Wisconsin lakes.  Come to this workshop, and learn about how this belief is translated into the curriculum at River Crossing.  Participants will experience some of the unique opportunities the school provides and learn tips to work with local teachers and students.  River Crossing serves eighteen seventh and eighth graders in the Portage School District and surrounding districts.  Active work in wetlands, prairies, forests, rivers, and streams is a weekly occurrence.  Through a partnership with the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association, these students are able to have hands-on environmental education in a public school.
Presenters: Victoria Rydberg, River Crossing Environmental Charter School; Jeff Nania, Wisconsin Waterfowl Association

H.   The Loon Ranger

Thursday, 2:00-5:00pm

LoonWatch is in its 30th year of coordinating volunteers, known as Loon Rangers, on more than 350 lakes in Wisconsin.  These committed volunteers monitor loon activity and reproductive success for the Annual Lakes Monitoring Program.  Find out why these volunteers are so passionate by joining us to learn about loon ecology, behaviors, and calls.  By the end of the workshop, participants will be prepared to be Loon Rangers on lakes that they live on or frequently visit!
Presenter: Stacy Schaefer, Loon Watch, Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute

Looking for Loons - fact sheet
Living with Loons - fact sheet

I.   A Shoreland Owner's Toolbox: What You Can Do

Thursday, 2:00-5:00pm

Positive shoreland practices are an integral part of a healthy shoreline.  Keep your shoreline healthy by coming to this workshop and learning about positive shoreland practices that will maximize water quality protection.  We will cover beneficial practices such as shoreline buffers, rain gardens, pervious pavers, rain barrels, tips on reducing large corridors to the lake, and other shoreland best management practices.  Ideal shoreland plants and site specific concerns will also be discussed.  Want to leave the workshop with some "action" items?  Bring pictures with you and map out your own shoreland plan!.
Presenter: MaryJo Gingras, Iron County Land Conservation Department, and Dave Ferris, Burnett County Land Conservation Department


J.   Groundwater & Lake Interactions: Science, Policy, and Tools

Thursday, 2:00-5:00pm 

Worried about low water levels?  Trying to understand what role that nearby golf course irrigation well might be having on your lake?  Recent statewide legislation (2003 Act 310) took initial steps in addressing regional groundwater management needs and improving oversight of high capacity wells located near surface waters. However, lakes continue to be vulnerable, both from regional groundwater use and siting of individual wells.  This workshop will focus on the science of groundwater and surface water interactions, and update participants on the recent statewide, regional, and local actions that have been taken to address these issues.  In addition, participants will learn about tools for monitoring water levels, assessing the role of groundwater in determining a lake’s water budget, as well as measuring impacts on water quality and ecological integrity.  
Presenters: Bob Nauta, RSV Engineering Inc. and Tim Asplund, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

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