Wisconsin Lakes Partnership
2007 Convention Archive
Concurrent Sessions VI
Saturday, April 28
11:10am - 12:00 pm
Agents of Change: Public Involvement
Adopt-A-Park: How Citizen Groups Make a Difference
Saturday 11:10am-12:00pm
Hear how citizen groups are enthusiastically stepping up as key stakeholders in protecting public parks. This session will highlight Milwaukee County’s experiences with citizen groups such as the Silver Lake Park Oversight Committee. Learn how a citizen group revitalized a park that was losing its shoreline to erosion from mowing and foot traffic; had lost its trees to lawn mower damage and invasive species; and lacked opportunities for kids and adults to access the water. Gain insight into how to work with agency and park staff, municipalities and elected officials. Learn how to change old habits and understand the workings of government policies and politics.
Presenters: Dave Pozorski, Wisconsin Association of Lakes; Tom Ward, Manitowoc County Land & Water Conservation Department; and Jim Goulee, Friends of Milwaukee Parks
The Nature of Things: The Wild Side of Lakes
Wild Rice Restoration
Saturday 11:10am-12:00pm
Wild rice is an important ecological and cultural feature of many Wisconsin lakes. This session will provide an overview of wild rice ecology and conservation. Learn about the need to restore, manage, and protect wild rice resources. Find out more about the perspective that wild rice should be retained as a valuable feature in future landscapes. Various management and restoration issues will be introduced, as well as opportunities and challenges to wild rice restoration and management.
Presenter: Peter David, Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Commission
The Ups and Downs of Lake Management: Understanding Lake Levels
Groundwater Recharge as a Goal for Stormwater Infiltration and Improving Lake Hydrology
Saturday 11:10am-12:00pm
Groundwater recharge in urban areas is significantly reduced when large areas that used to infiltrate runoff water are paved over. Municipalities are changing their approach to stormwater management in the face of increased pressure for development and more protective runoff pollution performance standards. Concerns over declining water tables have prompted infiltration system designs that enhance groundwater recharge. Increased groundwater inflow and subsequent increase in lake levels will depend upon several variables including lake size and hydrology, groundwater dynamics, and a municipality’s stormwater infiltration designs. Find out how computer modeling is being used for Beaver Lake in Waukesha County and Lake Wingra in Dane County to evaluate potential changes to lakes if groundwater recharge is increased.
Presenter: Nancy Zolidis, Montgomery Assoc. Resource Solutions
Lake Organizations: Improving their Effectiveness
Countywide Lake Groups Networking Session
Saturday 11:10am-12:00pm
There are over 20 countywide lake associations or groups in existence statewide. They are engaged in a wide variety of activities, they serve varied roles, and they take on different shapes, sizes, and formats. What they all have in common is a desire to see coordination of lake protection efforts at the countywide scale for benefits that individual, local-scale efforts alone could not achieve. Come to this interactive networking session to hear what other countywide groups are doing and to better understand the efforts to take on lake protection activities at a county/regional scale.
Facilitator: Ezra Meyer, Wisconsin Association of Lakes
Framing the Story: Aquatic Invasive Species
Using Aquatic Plants to Improve Lake Barrington
Saturday 11:10am-12:00pm
Lake Barrington, a shallow, eutrophic lake in northern Illinois, is surrounded by high-density urban development, including 1800 condominiums and a golf course. Curly-leaf pondweed covered the entire lake which required intensive harvesting. In 1996, a new approach to lake management was undertaken. The new plan included the introduction of native aquatic plants while simultaneously treating with Sonar and harvesting to minimize turion production. The success of the native plantings, water clarity impacts to the lake system, and financial impacts of the project will be discussed.
Presenter: Kathy Aron, Aron & Associates