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​Wisconsin Lakes Partnership

2007 Convention Archive

Concurrent Sessions II

 Friday, April 27
 2:00 - 2:50 pm

Agents of Change: Public Involvement

Using Surveys as a Data Collection Tool 

Friday 2:00-2:50pm

Surveys are a popular tool used to gather information. Lake organizations often use surveys to collect data on a variety of topics from their members. However, survey development is (and should be) much more involved than just throwing together some questions and distributing to a few people. Knowing the ingredients of a good survey can make the difference between success and failure. Find out more about the importance of collecting credible information and how to craft your surveys to avoid common errors. Results from an angler survey administered as part of an economic study on the Lake Winnebago System will be shared as an example.
Presenters: Chad Cook and Jake Blasczyk, UW-Extension

The Nature of Things: The Wild Side of Lakes

Macroinvertebrates as Indicators of Riparian Health

Friday 2:00-2:50pm

The data generated by collecting aquatic macroinvertebrates adds an important dimension to water quality assessments. Collecting this information can enhance other measurements such as water chemistry collection. Learn about these waterbugs and their sensitivities to environmental stressors, why they are good long-term indicators of environmental quality, and how sampling can help lake managers assess watershed health over time at little expense.
Presenter: Jeremy Williamson, Polk County Land and Water Resources Department

Dollars and Sense: Understanding Lake Economics and Water Law

Minnesota's Alternative Shoreland Management Standards and the People & Science Behind Them

Friday 2:00-2:50pm

This presentation will discuss the history of shoreland management in Minnesota, the current legal framework for local shoreland zoning, and the recently completed "Minnesota's Alternative Shoreland Management Standards." These alternative standards include new concepts and tools to protect water quality, property values, and the environment. You will learn how the latest scientific and planning research was used to design these standards and how a citizen advisory committee was developed to modernize the shoreland development standards.
Presenter: Paul Radomski, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

The Ups and Downs of Lake Management: Understanding Lake Levels

Waves, Wind, Watercraft and Water Clarity

Friday 2:00-2:50pm

While it is clear that the re-suspension of sediments in a lake increases turbidity and reduces water clarity, it is not always clear what controls this re-suspension. Learn about a research project that combined boating experiments and turbidity measurements to evaluate sediment movement in Clark Lake, a shallow lake in Door County. Study results found that while wind, waves, and watercraft were all factors, boating activity tended to increase sediment re-suspension. The presentation will examine the different sources of sediment re-suspension and evaluate their importance to lake water clarity.
Presenter: Darrin Hoverson, UW-Stevens Point Center for Watershed Science and Education

Lake Organizations: Improving their Effectiveness

Reflections on Effective Lake Management

Friday 2:00-2:50pm

Are you looking for tips to help your lake organization run more effectively? If you would like your lake association to be recognized for its accomplishments, or if you would like to run a more productive association, this session is for you. In the past three years, the people at Lake Nancy have almost doubled association membership, managed Eurasian Watermilfoil, raised needed dollars, initiated a lake fair and boat monitoring program and successfully fought two detrimental zoning actions that could have affected the lake.
Presenter: Sam Lewis, Lake Nancy Protective Association, Washburn County

Framing the Story: Aquatic Invasive Species

Eurasian Watermilfoil Project - Town of Barnes

Friday 2:00-2:50pm

Following the arrival of Eurasian watermilfoil in their lake community, citizens from the Town of Barnes in Bayfield County mobilized a large scale effort to address the challenges they faced. A coordinated effort consisting of a Clean Boats, Clean Waters program, a public education campaign, and aquatic plant surveys were undertaken on 27 area lakes! All three aspects of this successful community-wide project will be covered, with time for questions and discussion.
Presenter: John Kudlas and Ingemar Ekstrom, Bayfield County

Topics in Lake Science and Lake Management

Land Use Impacts on Lake Water Quality

Friday 2:00-2:50pm

Lakes are a reflection of their watersheds. The lands that drain to a lake play a critical role in a lake's water quality. This session will compare different land uses in a watershed and what impact they have on downstream waterbodies. Learn how different lakes respond to sediment and nutrient runoff inputs from their watersheds.
Presenter: Buzz Sorge, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 

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