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UW System DLE Knowledgebase 

  • UW System DLE Knowledgebase - the UW System DLE KB is a central location where documentation about the specifics of using Canvas and other aspects of the DLE are contained.  

Sandbox Courses

  • Requesting a new Sandbox Course (Links to UWSA KB Article) - This document describes the process for requesting a new Sandbox course. Please name courses using "Sandbox - Course Name (Introduction to Biology) - Instructor Last Name." Please enter course code as "Sandbox- Course Curriculum Code (BIOL 101) - Instructor Last name."

Roles in Canvas

  • ​Course roles (Links to UWSA KB Article) - This document describes the different roles available within courses, and the permissions they grant. Instructors can add any user in the UW System to a course in any role, with the exception of the Student role in the SIS courses instance.

Apps and Textbook content

  • Integrating third party apps - This document describes the process for gaining approval to third party app integrations within Canvas, and where to find integrations once they have been added.

Getting ready for the semester

  • Pre-semester Checklist- This document describes the steps needed to move a course from the master course area to the "live" SIS course area, and prepare the live SIS course for use by students.
Kaltura & Canvas

Quiz Questions

Crosslisting and FERPA

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