
Course Registration

Registration Date and Time

At UW-Stevens Point, students are assigned a specific enrollment date and time to register for the following semester's classes. The enrollment date and time can be found in accesSPoint by clicking on the My Classes tile, and then Registration Dates on the left-hand sidebar. You will see the date you can first put classes into your shopping cart, the date you can actually enroll into classes, as well as when open enrollment begins. 

For further visual instruction on where to find these dates, please review the following registration guide.

Registration Holds

To help you successfully meet your academic and career goals, academic advising is mandatory before you are able to enroll into your classes. An advising hold will be placed on your accesSPoint account each semester until you meet with your adviser to remove the hold. 

You may have other holds on your account that could prevent registration so check your Tasks tile in accesSPoint to see what other holds may be on your account. If you have any questions regarding these holds, contact your adviser as soon as possible as some tasks may require time to be addressed. 

For more information on how to address any holds on your account, view the following video.

Adding and Dropping Courses

There are many reasons a student may want to add or drop a course prior to the semester beginning, or during the semester. It is important to consult with your adviser prior to taking action on either of these options so that you know what impact adding or dropping a course may have on your academic plan. 

When dropping a course it is very important to consider how reducing your credit load may affect:

  • Financial aid and refund policies
  • Insurance requirements
  • Living in the residence halls
Pay close attention to add and drop deadlines, as well as refund deadlines

These do not necessarily occur at the same time!

Building Your Class Schedule

There are three main ways you can add courses to your Shopping Cart within accesSPoint and build a class schedule. 

  • If you know the specific class number you would like to enroll in, you can enter this number through the Add Classes tab within accesSPoint. For directions on how to do so, please follow these instructions.
  • If you are searching for classes within the timetable in accesSPoint, you can add the course directly to your Shopping Cart once you click on the specific section of the class you would like. You will need to manually make sure your classes do not have time conflicts with each other.
  • To easily make sure classes do not have time conflicts with one another, you can use the Schedule Builder tool within accesSPoint to select classes and see all possible schedule options. For more information about how to use Schedule Builder, you can view a video about how to add classes and breaks to Schedule Builder and how to narrow down your schedule options if you have several to choose from.