Career Fairs

We value the opportunity for UWSP students to utilize their skills to network with industry professionals and employers who can offer advice, career field tips, internships, and job opportunities. One of the ways we do this is by facilitating career fair events. Our campus has the following career fairs available. Let us know if you are interested in participating!

All-Major Career and​ Inte​​rn​ship Fa​ir​​ (Offered both Fall and Spring semesters) ​

S​ave the Dates! Our Fall 2025 All-Major Career and Internship Fair will be Thursday, September 18, 2025 in the Skyward Fieldhouse. Employer registration will open in Handshake in early July. Our Spring 2026 Fair will be Tuesday, February 10, 2026​. These events offer​ networking, internship, and career-level opportunities for students and alumni. Log in to your Handshake profile for more information on career fairs and events! Employers, if you are interested in joining our campus career fairs, contact our office for more information!

Education Job Fair (Offered both Fall and Spring semesters) 

​​​This event provides teaching and education-related internship and career-level opportunities for cu​rrent students and recent Education graduates. Employers, if you are interested in learning more about our Education Job Fairs, contact the Office of Field Experiences for more information!

Natural Resources and the Sciences: Job and Career Exploration Fair ​​​(Offered Fall semester) 
​This event provides internship, summer, and career-level opportunities geared toward students with majors in natural resources, the sciences, and similar areas of interest. More information can be found on the CNR Career Fair website​. ​

This event offers networking, internship/​​co-op, and career-level opportunities for students majoring in Chemical Engineering and Paper Science Engineering. For more information, visit the Paper Science and Chemical Engineering Career Fair website. ​​



Career Advice on Video