UW-Stevens Point's 17th Annual
January Teaching Conference

January 15, 2013

Alumni Room, DUC

"Education As Transformation"

UW-Stevens Point's 17th Annual January Teaching Conference took place on Tuesday, January 15, 2013. The main programs were held in the Alumni Room of the Dreyfus University Center (DUC). 

This year's theme was "Education As Transformation" and we aimed to understand and celebrate the various ways that the education offered at UW-Stevens Point leads to transformative experiences -- for students, faculty, and staff.

The following four sub-themes were guiding our discussions:

  • Embracing Our Diverse Populations
  • Redefining the Classroom
  • Reflecting On Our Teaching - A Scholarly Approach
  • Thinking About Teaching & Learning Through the New GEP Lens

During lunch, we viewed a short YouTube video produced by UW-Stout entitled, "Infusing Diversity Across the UW-Stout Curriculum" and reflected in small groups on the ways that we can transform our campus community in similar ways.

Below are additional resources from the 2013 Teaching Conference, including handouts, copies of presentation slides, and other materials.

Note: As an extension of this year's teaching conference, a series of presentations is scheduled for the spring semester. For more information, check out the Knowing Our Students: Empowering Success page. For more information, please contact David Hastings.


Additional Resources:

Detailed Program


Embracing Our Diverse Populations

The Power of ONE to Change Campus Climate on Diversity ( slides )

Jeana Magyar-Moe


Redefining the Classroom

Redefining the Classroom: An Urban Forestry Story ( slides | outline )

Rich Hauer


Morning Break-Out Sessions

Inclusive Excellence in the Classroom: Accommodating Students with Disabilities ( presentation | combined resources )

Jim Joque, Marge Strong, Pam Terrell

Teaching Students to be Responsible Advisees ( slides | handbook | freshman profile | worksheet )

Becky Piotrowski, Julie Schneider

Teaching with Technology: Apps, Websites, and Flipping a Class

Kristi Roth


Lunch & UW-Stout's video:

"Infusing Diversity Across the UW-Stout Curriculum"

Facilitated Group Discussion:

What Does It Mean To Be A Teaching Institution? ( summary of discussion )

Paula DeHart


Reflecting On Our Teaching - A Scholarly Approach

Evolution or Intelligent Design: How Does My Teaching Grow? Stories of Inspiration Celebrating Thirty Years at UWSP ( complete reflections )

Steve Wright


Thinking About Teaching and Learning Through the New GEP Lens

Thinking About Teaching and Learning Through the New GEP Lens ( slides | new GEP )

Nancy LoPatin-Lummis


Afternoon Breakout Sessions

A Glimpse into the McCaig Files: A Primer on Being a University Teacher ( complete document )

Christine Gould, Leslie McClain, Dona Warren

What are Students' Impressions of the FYS and General Education Outcomes? ( slides )

Shari Summers

Student-Centered Pedagogy in the General Education Program (Harper - slides | handouts combined )

Rob Harper, David Ozsvath

Backward Design, E-Portfolios, and Self-Assessment in a French Seminar ( handout | Prezi )

Vera Klekovkina


To provide feedback / comments, please consider completing the 2013 Teaching Conference survey. Thank you!