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Manage Section Seats

Seats Available = the section enrollment limit minus seats taken and minus seats held. If the section is slashed (e.g., 300/500), the available seats total is based on a combined limit of both levels.

Limit = the enrollment limit for the section. If the section is slashed (e.g., 300/500), the limit is based on a combined limit of both levels if the limit is shared

Seats Taken = the number of students enrolled in the section. If the section is slashed (e.g., 300/500), the enrollment is not combined into a single total. See the respective course numbers for the seats taken at each level.

Seats Held = the number of seats put on hold. Use this feature if you want to set seats aside for students in another major or for new freshmen registering in the summer. You could also accomplish the same purpose by lowering the enrollment limit and then raising the limit a later date.

Section on Hold = an entire section put on hold. For example, use this feature to put a section on hold until the enrollment demand is determined, until the instructor is hired or until funding is secured.

Permission Required (PR) = where to indicate a section for which you want to require students to obtain your authorization to enroll. Sections that are identified as PR should match what is printed in the published timetable. Note: If the section is slashed (e.g., 300/500), you can PR the undergraduate and graduate levels separately. However, the graduate level will look the same as the undergraduate level on the Manage Section Seats screen.

©1993- University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point