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Climate Castaways

Season 4 | Episode 2 | March 2, 2023

Trees have had to migrate for millennia due to changes in climate. However, the pace of climate change today is far greater than historical tree migration rates, and land use changes have created new barriers to species movement. This has foresters and land managers thinking about the need for human-assisted movement of tree seed or seedl​ings to ensure that forests remain well-adapted to climatic conditions, a concept referred to as forest-assisted migration. In this episode of SilviCast we explore this complex issue with Dr. Carrie Pike, forest regeneration specialist with the U.S. Forest Service Eastern Region. Dr. Pike brings in-depth knowledge of forest genetics, nurseries, and reforestation to help us consider practical and strategic approaches to assisted migration.




Dr. Carrie Pike

Forest Regeneration Specialist, U.S. Forest Service

Carrie Pike is a Forest Regeneration Specialist for the USDA U.S. Forest Service’s State, Private and Tribal Forestry in the Eastern Region. She is based in West Lafayette, Indiana, at Purdue University, co-housed with the Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center. She is part of the national RNGR team that is dedicated to providing technical assistance on RNGR-related issues: Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources. Prior to her position with the U.S. Forest Service she coordinated the daily work of the Minnesota Tree Improvement Cooperative for 17 years, and served as Director of Operations at the Cloquet Forestry Center in beautiful northern Minnesota. She earned her M.S. in Forestry at SUNY College of Environmental Science in 1998 and her Ph.D. in Natural Resource Science and Management at the University of Minnesota in 2013. ​​ ​

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