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​​​​​​Repulpability and Recyclability Testing

The Wisconsin Institute for Sustainable Technology understands that sustainable packaging is essential to help minimize environmental impact and meet consumer expectations. WIST provides testing services to evaluate the recyclability of paper-based packaging that helps support on-pack labelling claims, build consumer trust and differentiate your brand in the marketplace.​

WIST's testing protocols have been accepted by the How2Recycle program for making the technical determi​​​nation of repulpability and recyclability of corrugated and other unbleached paper-based packaging materials.

So, what does this mean?

Essentially, our protocols comprise two parts – Part 1 (Repulpability) and Part 2 (Recyclability).

Part 1 sets out specific methods to determine whether a corrugated box or similar packaging can be broken down into pulp— “repulpable"—which is a critical step in the recycling process. It also determines that a minimum threshold of fiber recovery is met.

Part 2 then checks whether the material can move through typical recycling systems without causing problems, such as contamination or processing issues, and finally be used in the manufacture of new recycled-content packages without negatively impacting the performance of that new package.

Contact us to learn more about our paper packaging recyclability testing services to elevate your products in the marketplace!

​Mark Shawbitz
Paper Making and Laboratory Specialist


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