​Resources for students

It is important that the entire campus community know about the resources available to our students, found on campus and in the broader community.

​Advocacy Services 
CAP Services - Stevens Point (on and off campus)
137 Delzell Hall - On campus
715-343-7125 or 800-472-3377 (24-hour) 
Confidential reporting resource; sexual assault and domestic/dating violence advocacy services for our students.

CAP Services - Stevens Point (on and off campus)
715-343-7125 or 800-472-3377 (24-hour Crisis Line)

Texting available during business hours
Confidential reporting resource; sexual assault and domestic/dating violence advocacy services for our students.
CAP Services Family Crisis Center
1616 West River Drive, Stevens Point - Off campus
24-Hour Services: 715-343-7125 or 800-472-3377 
Confidential reporting resource; sexual assault and domestic/dating violence advocacy services for our students.

PDC - Marshfield (on and off campus)
On campus, Admin Building 112
505 East Depot St., Marshfield, WI
715-421-1509 or 844-210-8899 (Toll Free)
Confidential reporting resource; sexual assault and domestic/dating violence advocacy services.

The Women's Community - Wausau 
(on and off campus)
On campus in The Solution Center (162) 
3200 Hilltop Ave., Wausau, WI
715-842-7323 (24 HR) 715-581-1643 (text)
Confidential reporting resource; sexual assault and domestic/dating violence advocacy services.

Center for Prevention​ (on campus)
601 Division Street (Residential Living building), Stevens Point, 715-346-2789
Center for Prevention website
Confidential reporting resource; must submit statistical information only (professional staff); leads interpersonal violence prevention work at UW-Stevens Point for all three campuses.

Counseling Services
Counseling Center - Stevens Point (on campus)
3rd floor, Delzell Hall, 715-346-3553
Confidential reporting resource; licensed mental health professionals offering free counseling to all enrolled students.

Counseling - Marshfield (on campus)
Call 715-346-3553 to schedule with a therapist
Confidential reporting resource; licensed mental health professionals offering counseling to all enrolled students.

Counseling - Wausau (on campus)
Call 715-346-3553 to schedule with a therapist
Confidential reporting resource; licensed mental health professionals offering counseling to all enrolled students.     

Deaf Unity (off campus)
help@deafunitywi.org, Text: 608-466-2881
Confidential reporting resource; advocacy services provided by staff who are deaf and use American Sign Language.

Queer Resource Center (on campus)
206 Dreyfus University Center, Stevens Point, 715-346-3829
Confidential reporting resource; must submit statistical information only (professional staff); Support and resources for questions surrounding gender, sexuality, and identity.

Hmong Family Strengthening (off campus)
888-345-5898 (bilingual Hmong/English)
Confidential reporting resource; culturally specific advocacy and support services​

Local Law Enforcement
University Police - Stevens Point (on campus)
George Stein Building, 715-346-3456

Stevens Point Police Department (off campus)
933 Michigan Avenue, Stevens Point, 715-346-1500

Marshfield Police Department (off campus)
110 W. 1st Street, Marshfield, 715-387-4394

Wausau Police Department (off campus)
515 Grand Avenue, 715-261-7800

Reporting All Types of Interpersonal Violence
Submit a Report

Law Enforcement - Contact an agency listed above (the Title IX Coordinator or Office of the Dean of Students can help students with this process)

Medical Care
Aspirus Stevens Point (Saint Michael's) Hospital ER (off campus)​​
900 Illinois Ave, Stevens Point, 715-346-5100
Confidential reporting resource; (SANE) Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner services to address injuries, collect evidence, offer medications to prevent STIs and emergency contraception.

Aspirus Rhinelander Hospital (off campus)​​
2251 N Shore Drive, Rhinelander, 715-361-2000
Confidential reporting resource; (SANE) Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner services to address injuries, collect evidence, offer medications to prevent STIs and emergency contraception.

Aspirus Wausau Hospital ER (off campus)
333 Pine Ridge Blvd., Wausau, 715-847-2000
Confidential reporting resource; (SANE) Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner services to address injuries, collect evidence, offer medications to prevent STIs and emergency contraception.

Marshfield Medical Center - Weston ER (off campus)
3400 Ministry Parkway​., Weston, 715-393-3000​
Confidential reporting resource; (SANE) Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner services to address injuries, collect evidenc​e, offer medications to prevent STIs and emergency contraception.

​Student Health Service - Stevens Point (on campus)
1st floor, Delzell Hall, 715-346-4646
Confidential reporting resource; must submit statistical information only; treatment of injuries, emergency contraception, pregnancy testing, STI testing and treatment; SHS does not complete forensic medical exams.

Office of Civil Rights, US Department of Education
Dept. of Ed, Office of Civil Rights
OCR@ed.gov, 800-421-3481, TDD 800-877-8339

OCR Complaint Process

U.S. Department of Education - Regional Office
John C. Kluczynski Federal Building
230 S. Dearborn Street, 37th Floor
Chicago, IL 60604
Telephone: (312) 730-1560
Facsimile: (312) 730-1576
Email: OCR.Chicago@ed.gov

Title IX Coordinator (on campus)
Joseph P. Primiano, J.D.
Assistant Chancellor
Assistant to the Chancellor for Affirmative Action and Title IX
715-346-2550, titleix@uwsp.edu
Old Main, 116E