Party Throwing Checklist

Here are some simple ways to keep your party safe, fun, and friendly. As a host you are responsible for the safety and welfare of your guests.

​Before the Party

  • Familiarize yourself with local laws and policies.
  • Plan your guest list and site for hosting the event. Set your Facebook even invitation to private to keep your party on your terms.
  • Designate sober host(s) to monitor the event and ensure a safe party.
  • Visit with your neighbors about throwing a party and give them contact information so they'll call a sober host before they call the police.
  • Coordinate having sober monitors check IDs at the main entrance of the party and throughout the event.
    • Acceptable forms of ID with age information include valid drivers license, state-issued ID, US military ID, and a passport.
  • Plan to serve water, non-alcoholic drinks, and provide snacks for guests.
  • Coordinate parking so no one gets towed.
  • Plan to protect your house from spills, dirt, and other damage.

​Day of the Party

  • Have one main entrance and close other access routes such as windows to regulate who you want at the party. Leave exits accessible in case of an emergency.
  • Close doors to bedrooms and private areas to protect your personal belongings and property.
  • Keep the part people and drinks inside the residence.
  • Have sober monitors to check IDs, watch your guest for possible signs of alcohol poisoning, and stop service of alcohol to intoxicated guests and those activing with aggressive behavior.
  • Call the SPPD non-emergency number or Call 911 if your party starts to get out of control. Non-emergency 715-346-1500.
  • When people are leaving, make sure containers stay in the house.
  • Make sure your guests get home safely! Plan to have DDs available or give local transportation a call. For those walking, stay with your friends. Remember, as a party host, you might be liable for the actions of people who leave your party intoxicated.

After the Party

  • Clean up any trash surroundings your place and anything that has spilled over to a neighbor's property.
  • Check in with your neighbors to hear feedback on the party.
  • Celebrate the success of a safe and fun party!