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Faculty/Staff Use of Student Photos

Student photos are available to faculty and staff within Class Lists and the Student Course Info section of myPoint.

The student ID photo is defined as confidential and should not be used or displayed in any public setting without the student's permission.

Class lists and student photos are confidential under university policy and federal law. They are given to faculty and staff who have legitimate educational interests in this information. Unless a specific legal exception exists, they may not be distributed to other parties without the students’ written consent.

Use of student photographs for identification purposes on class lists is restricted to the use of the individual course instructor. In situations where there is a legitimate educational purpose such as collaboration with faculty who share teaching responsibilities, faculty can share photo information. Teaching Assistants fall under this guideline for use of photos on class lists.

Making photos public will be considered a violation of University policy and may have serious consequences for faculty, students and the University. Faculty should use photos to support teaching (e.g., confirm attendance, match names and faces, etc.), but must make sure students' photos remain confidential at all times.

Viewing Photos in myPoint:

  1. Class Lists - the Class Lists in myPoint provides several pull-down menu options that allows faculty to view additional information about the students enrolled in their course, including a list with student pictures. Each screen displays the official roster of enrolled students as reported by the Registrar's Office. If a student on the class list does not have a photo, the student may not have an active student ID. Not all students will have an active UWSP ID. Examples of students without an ID photo in the system may include students enrolled in CDP (Collaborative Degree Programs), online courses, or Continuing Education.

  2. Student Course Info - within the student course info application, the photo will appear under the student's name. You may use your mouse over or click the photo for a larger view.Student Course Info - within the student course info application, the photo will appear under the student's name. You may use your mouse over or click the photo for a larger view.

  3. Adviser E-Auth of Advisee - - within the adviser authorization application, you may click on the name of any of your advisees for a direct link to their Student Course Info page (which includes photos). This feature is coming soon!
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