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Honors for Associate and Bachelor degree candidates are awarded as follows:

  • GPA of 3.50-3.74 = cum laude (honors)
  • GPA of 3.75-3.89 = magna cum laude (high honors)
  • GPA of 3.90-4.00 = summa cum laude (highest honors)

The GPA for honors is calculated using all college credits from any UWSP campus and any transfer schools. You can find this GPA at the beginning of your DPR under "University Requirements" in the "Graduation Honors GPA" section. Please note that GPAs are rounded using the third digit, e.g. a 3.495 rounds to 3.50 but 3.494 does not.

In the commencement ceremony you are recognized on the basis of the work which you complete before your final term. On your transcript, you are recognized on the basis of all the work you have done, including your final term. Those students eligible to wear an honors cord at the commencement ceremony are issued one when the caps and gowns are distributed at the University Bookstore. 

Please note that Graduate degree candidates are not eligible to earn graduation honors. 
If you have questions concerning honors, please email the graduation auditor in the Office of the Registrar or call (715) 346-4301.

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