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CSA Responsibilities

  • A CSA must immediately report all allegations of Clery crimes shared with them in their role as a CSA and made to them in good faith..
  • Reports are statistical. They do NOT need to include the name of the victim or the offender. In fact, CSAs don’t even need to know the name of the victim or offender to make a report. The only identifying information provided in the report is the name and contact information of the CSA making the report.
    • ​Note: Depending on your role on campus, you may have other reporting requirements that require the documenting of those involved in an incident (e.g., Responsible Employee per Title IX). 
  • CSAs only report the allegation. CSAs do NOT investigate the crime, nor do they make any judgment as to whether the crime actually occurred. As long as the report is made to the CSA in good faith, the CSA simply forwards the information to the Office of the Dean of Students.
  • Reports of crime submitted to UW-Stevens Point University Police will be forwarded to the Office of the Dean of Students for possible inclusion in the stastics required by the Clery Act.
  • Click here for the CSA reporting form  >>​​

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