Mert Kartal

 ​ Title: Assistant Professor
  Office: CCC 480
  Phone: (715) 346-4108  


Ph.D. in Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison
M.A. in Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison 
M.A. in European Union Politics, Lund University, Sweden 
B.A. in International RelationsIstanbul Bilgi University, Turkey
B.A. in Media and Communication Systems, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey


Kartal, Mert. 2014. “Accounting for the Bad Apples: The EU’s Impact on National Corruption Before and After Accession.” Journal of European Public Policy 21 (6): 941-959.

Kartal, Mert. 2010. “Has the Dwarf Grown Up?​” The Journal of European Integration 32 (3): 329-37.


POLI 180 - International Relations
POLI 300 - Analyzing Politics
POLI 301 - Game Theory for Political Scientists
POLI 363 - The Politics of the European Union
POLI 380 - Conflict, Security, and Peace in International Relations
POLI 383 - U.S. Foreign Policy
POLI 385 - International Organizations and Law
POLI 387 - International Simulation
POLI 490 - Global Issues Today
POLI 498 - Capstone Seminar: Corruption and Good Governance


United Nations Student Organization (a.k.a. Model United Nations Club)

European Union Student Organization (a.k.a. Model European Union (EU) Club)